Chapter 6: Drama Alert✔

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"Who's up for a game of truth or dare?" Brylee announced, uncorking a can of Pepsi she'd brought from the refrigerator.
"I'm in", James answered.

"That game is deadly, no way", I said picking up my phone.

" You're no fun. Babe, you're in right", she said turning to Micah.

"Yeah Sure", he said, distractedly texting away on his phone.

"Ruby, baby, my love", James began.

"No need to say all this", I said without looking away from my phone.

" If you don't play then I won't", he whined.

"Well then don't", I said dismissively.

" OK, just play one round if its no fun then you can stop. I won't disturb you", he said giving me the puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, I will and not because of those eyes but I'm not stripping or anything near that." I said giving in because of the eyes. 

" That's my baby. You have a wild imagination though. We aren't drunk enough for the stripping part." he said, giving me a bear hug.

Of course, I laughed. I'd gotten used to his near nudity humour and found it a bit charming if I might say. All the same crude but abnormality is the new trend. I mean if we we're all normal, it wouldn't be normal. I was an enemy of the status quo.

"OK I'll go first", Brylee announced.

"Truth or dare", James asked.

"Dare", she replied confidently.

" I dare you to.... Try to distract Micah from whoever he's texting", he said.

"With pleasure. You do realize I'm the girlfriend right?", she said as she stood up.

" I'm going easy on you ", James said cockily.

She sashayed over to where Micah had been sprawled on the floor for over an hour. She decided to first peep and see what had him so hooked. Whatever it was really got her riled up.

" Really Micah, so this is why you been distant with all your half ass discussions", She said silently.

"Brylee Oh God", he said, obviously out of shock.

"You didn't expect me to know right. Guess what? You can hit send and tell her you're on your way because you're out of here"

"Its not what you think"

"Its never what I think with you. I don't care anymore. Just please get out while I'm calm"


"Really? Now I'm a babe. This is how you repay me right? After everything"

"No you don't understand"

"And I don't want to. If you have the guts to contemplate whether you're in a relationship or not, lemme help you out. You're not, OK? You're free to jump to another girl now"


"Just leave Micah. For now at least", I said , pitching in.

He got his fanny pack and swung it on before slowly walking to the door. Throwing one last pleading glance to Brylee, he walked out. Brylee who had been looking at him immediately averted her eyes as he left. That was some break up.

"A thousand that they get back within the week", James whispered into my ear leaning closer.

" I bet a month", I whispered back.

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