Chapter 30

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Ruby's POV:


The last year has by far been one of the most eventful times for me. James actually went through with his rehabilitation program and I spent every day with him. It turns out he was overdosing on sleeping medicines and it almost became a health issue as his physical tolerance for the drug increased and he craved it more.

Dealing with all the news was really stressful. I nearly had a miscarriage when I realized he lost sleep when I had to leave. He arranged for his private jet to move all his things from his house in Port Harcourt over to Nevada. We'd decided on a house there and we got one in a quiet area. He had to move money anonymously to my account since he couldn't make the purchase himself. I had a feeling his father was monitoring his accounts. I didn't say anything though.

My parents and my new baby brother were ecstatic that I finally agreed to move closer. They were more ecstatic to find out I was having a baby with James who despite everything, they grew to love. On countless occasions, my parents had joined me to pay a visit to him.

I don't even want to start talking about the labour. I love Luke but I wouldn't want to replay that day. Regardless of the fact that I nearly bit off James' hand and the fact that I might probably have spat in his face and insulted him, a lot, he was amazing. As amazingly caring as he was, I don't want to have another baby anytime soon, not after the intense workout sessions I had to get back my body.

It was fun doing maternity shots for some magazines but I couldn't slack off even if I wanted to. We needed all the money we could get. James didn't let me lack anything but we needed to make investments and open a business soon. I don't want to believe he got all his money from his drug dealing and I have a thing against using dirty money. I know he's a popular actor, don't judge me.

Everything has been going relatively well but I have a feeling the story isn't yet over. If James father could go so far to separate us when we were just 18 then he shouldn't be happy to see us back together. There isn't a doubt in my mind that he knows about us so I keep looking over my shoulder of recent waiting for him to strike but nothing yet.

I'm currently on my way to the rehab centre to pick my big baby up. He's being released today. Even Richey flew over to welcome him. Everyone is at home waiting for him. It wasn't really a big party because I know he'd rather be doing something else right now. I would be a really bad wife if I left him all blue balls for more than two hours. It would be nice to watch grumpy James though. I'm so tempted to go through with it.

Luke made a noise of disagreement just as I mulled over the thought. I swear to God sometimes I think the boy reads my mind. Somehow he just knows what to say or in this case, what noise to make seeing as he's only two months.

I found a space and parked just as James stepped out. Overjoyed, I quickly left the car, forgetting Luke in the process as I ran to hug him. It seemed like we'd been apart for so long when I actually hadn't seen him for a week.

"I love how you think I'm strong enough for all this" he said referring to the fact that he had lifted me off the ground and I was now straddling him in public.

Talk about PDA!

"If you're not strong enough for all this ass then why do you work out?" I laughed as he drew me in for a kiss.

"Alright, you got me" he said and I smiled into the kiss.

He finally dropped me on the ground when an arrogant driver honked at us.

"Now run along and get my son out of that car, woman" he said smacking my ass when I tried to sashay over to the car.

I ran over to where Luke was strapped to his baby chair when I heard him wailing. He was always so scared of being left alone for too long plus that horn must have scared him. I threw the key to James as he took the driver's seat.

"It's been a year since you've driven. Are you sure you can get me home in one piece?" I teased.

"I have no problem with tying you up and whipping you once we get home" he said and eyed me telling me there was more beneath that sentence.

The sexual innuendo was enough to send a jolt all over my body.

Never wanting to be defeated, I went on. "I never knew my fiancé liked it rough".

Putting the key in the ignition, he began the drive but still turned so slightly to give me the most soul searching look. "There are so many things you don't know yet but let me tell you, Luke is going to have to sleep with earplugs by the time we get home" he said and smirked.

"You don't want to play this game now" I said thinking of the party at home.

"I so want to play that now"

"Behave baby. I'll win this fight" I said and smiled sheepishly.

To cut the long story short, James was absolutely pissed when we got into the house and everyone jumped out to yell "surprise". To be honest though, I was a bit pissed because considering how far James could go in a drive of about 20 minutes, I was as heated up as him and I started dropping subtle hints to everyone on how they should start planning on leaving. I'm not a man of preacher of love.

Richey came with his wife, Jessica. Yes, you read that sentence right. Richey got married. He didn't follow the world's calling and go gay although he's legit still hitting on my man. Jessica is a free spirit like him so there isn't ever a dull moment with them. Luke is scared of them though it probably has to do with the fact that they're always yelling around him. My handsome little baby no like no stress.

Everything had gone lovely, especially when everyone got the hint that we needed privacy. They left early, most of them saying they had just come to officially welcome him home. By everyone though, I meant my parents and my baby brother who had just started talking a few weeks ago. Richey decided he had missed his playful banter with James and needed to frustrate him.

Let's just say we christened the house and hatched a new game plan because the static was getting too much.


These are all coming from my drafts. I hope these are all worth the wait.

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