Chapter 26

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"I knew it wouldn't take you that long to find out"

"What" he said cocking his beautiful eyebrows and bringing out a bit of the wrinkles he'd probably tried to hide.

She looked forward and said "You want to play that game-" picking up a glass of tequila I had left unattended to "fine."

This wasn't working. What kind of person was so put together when she's high?

"What did you do to me? I feel like Johnny English-"she finally turned to look at me, effectively jabbing me on the shoulder and retracting her hand "-strikes again".

"Aren't you the cutest?" I said, sitting upright and deciding to just enjoy the show. I'd find a way to get the truth out of her.

At least now I can keep her to myself and not look weird.

"I don't want to be" she pouted looking at me with those false doe eyes you make when you want to get something from someone.

"You can be anything you want, baby" I said taking a gulp from a bottle of whiskey already gathering ammo to tease her with in the morning.

"I want to be sexy" she said eyeing me up like I was meat.

I was used to these kind of gazes and these types of looks mostly when I was on the red carpet and my date for the night or girls in the gala, heck even the girls at home watching on television would eye me up. Jade though made me feel a truckload of feelings from a gaze that was so lust filled. Surprise was more evident as I had choked on my drink.

Jade, being Jade of course didn't exactly give me water of rub my back like a sensible person would do because she was the most spontaneous person when she's drunk and I was about to find out just how spontaneous she could be. That's probably why what she did next startled me enough to stop my coughing fit.

She kissed me and I struggled to catch my breath but that cough and another part of my body that shall not be stated worked together and the cough that looked like it was going to take my life became the highlight of my day. I don't mind near death by choking at least thrice in an hour if I was getting a kiss every time.

She of course made to separate our lips while I drew her closer, wrapping my arm around her waist as I pulled her flush against me. I loved how responsive her body was to mine although it was the first kiss, there was this ripple of electricity as she shivered in what I would call delight. I wasn't so sure if that would make her want to move away from me. Until she moaned, that is. I won't lie, no matter how weird it would look; I would have recorded that sound and made it my call tune. It would make calls from the worst of the worst AKA my father, Peter Llock, seem like a call from a long lost best friend.

In that one kiss, I saw the future as cheesy as it would sound coming from a gang leader. I saw the whole thing. Its funny how death makes you see the past and probably highlights your worst moments and now this kiss has gave me hope. She had been rejuvenating my will to fight for my freedom. I didn't want to fight just for me because if I did then I probably wouldn't have been in this situation till now. Then again, I would probably be six feet under and chilling with Jack. She made me want to fight for the future, at least one that had her in it. I didn't dream of the classic story of my wife and children being abducted by a rival gang. We ruled Nigeria but you can never be so sure so I would have loved an official way to not be on the hit list.

As she drew away, she gave me a look that made me growl. I never growled. I mean I thought it was something you only read in novels but somehow the special setting in me finally clicked and I drew her back in. I don't care if it was lust in her eyes although it looked like something so different but I couldn't let her go no matter what.

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