Chapter 8: Lip Locket✔

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"Gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee", I chanted as I banged on the door of the bathroom, hopping from one foot to another.

"Calm down", Bry said from the rest room.

"Get out already. Don't tell me you're taking a dump", I yelled impatiently.

"I'm out, I'm out. Don't get your panties in a twist", she said, gingerly strolling out.

"Imma legit pee on myself. Panties are the least of my worries", I yelled as I ran in.

Never, ever, ever ×infinity, oh and ever play cards with James. At first I was watching him play online and then I thought I could do better so I brought out the cards officially. Trying to add the spice to the game, Bry said whoever lost had to finish a really big glass of water. I was so focused on winning James that I agreed to do it when Brylee who suggested it, refused to play. She must be having the time of her life right now, laughing at my expense.

I'll have you know I won five times in a row and every single time Jamie had to begrudgingly gulp down nothing less than 60cl of water. But then my luck ran out when I lost the sixth game and by the eighth game, Jamie had been smiling non stop. You'd say it's just water and I need to be hydrated all the time but no, thank you. Brylee, that cheeky girl added a pinch of salt and said it was to give it a bit of flavor. My bladder's so shrunken I can't concentrate.

As I came out of the rest room two minutes later, relief was written all over my face.

"How do you feel now?", Jamie asked when I noticed he'd been leaning against the wall.

"Like I never want to talk to you", I said and began walking to the sitting room, head held high.

I nearly spasmed when I felt a pair of hands pull me by the waist.

"Its going to be harder than that to win my forgiveness", I said and laughed.

"How about... I get you a new book?", he said as he slowly backed me into a wall.

"Keep talking", I said getting interested.

"Over these few weeks, I've gotten to know you like the back of my palm"

"Till a bug's going to leave a mark there and you won't even know"

"Then at least I know you don't like this", he said and began tickling me.

How dare he! I just came in from the rest room and he wants me to pee my pants now. I wasn't very ticklish but I don't know how he'd found the last surviving tickle spot. This time was worst than the last because he didn't let me go till I was crying , in fact full on weeping.

"Go out with me", he said all of a sudden.

"Sorry", I said shocked.

"Go out with me"

"Like a date"

"No. Like on patrol genius"

"When you put it like that? What do I wear?"

"Anything. You'd still look great"

"I'd better go get ready then. I'm off to take a shower"

"Shall I come help you"

"You better not"

I took my sweet time in the shower wanting to smell like roses but is that ever possible without deodorant and perfume. God bless whoever came up with these life saving weapons. I swear body odour could kill a nation. As I stepped out with a towel wrapped around my body, the first thing was I met with was James' eyes. He gave me a very long once over.

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