Chapter 25

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It had become a routine to check the CCTV footage for all the times I wasn't around my houses. After saying good night, I was about to go back to plop down onto my bed, the awkward position I'd been in during the surprise movie night, getting the best of me when my mind went back to went back to my prior engagement. Quietly scolding myself for almost forgetting to check the cameras, I turned and went to my study which I'd strategically placed at a door at the end of my closet.

It wasn't that good though when you had to call meetings wherever you are and the stereotypical gang leader is meant to call the meeting in his study. Being normal didn't apply to me though, that's part of the reason I had a conference room. I mean why invite them into a room filled with novels that would make them all laugh rowdily when you have a room absolutely void of any form of entertainment.

As I stepped in, the smell of residual dust which always pissed me off, hit me at once. I was about to furiously call the cleaning agency that my father used when I remembered I was the only person that ever stepped in here. Grabbing the vacuum cleaner, I began to make the place a bit more conducive for my sensitive lungs, which took only a few minutes but to me, it took way too long.

Getting comfortable in the leather seat, I prepared to give it a major butt groove because going through every night for the past three months would be a serious vigil event. As I put the footage on speed of 2.5, slipping on my air pods, I went through my whole playlist knowing that the footage would finish before my music would. Nodding my head to the sound of Jamopyper's If no be you, I began to go through the footage.

Hours later and I was almost done and I kept wondering why I even stressed. Obviously the large sum I paid on security for all my houses was speaking for me because I didn't really catch anything suspicious. Just as I was about to switch off the computer, my eyes caught the footage from today, specifically the one person that made me want to drop the whole gang and ride into the sunset, Ruby.

What could she be doing rubbing her arms all over my table, those pointy elbows all on display. As suspected, when she turned her face and looked straight towards the camera, that determined look was there. Soon her tiny fingers found the button on my table that was used to enclose the safe behind it. She pushed it and the table moved and she immediately ran to the table, pushing the button repeatedly, obviously shaking with fear and perspiration lining her head as I had forgotten to comment on her sweating in a cold room. She saw that it wasn't working and she began to look around and probably searching for a way to cover up her tracks.

Somewhere between searching for a cover up, she decided to put on a show for me and she ran over, sliding on the floor and finally pressing the button she had found on the safe, smart girl. But how she knew it would work was beyond me well she was lucky or she had God on her side because less than 5 seconds later, I strolled in, need I add, looking as good as they come.

Of course hormones had to come into play because even if I had to think of how I wasn't going to let her go and I had to find out her intentions. I played the clip over, slowing down the part where she'd slid on the floor because, damn did she look edible. I'd tap that anytime, anywhere.

Getting my mind out of the gutter long enough to lock up and go to my bed, I checked the time to see it was already 6 am. I'd put her to bed by midnight and had been working since then. I then fell asleep, dreaming of that fine ass girl I'd put in the room I'd built to kind of idolize my Ruby.

Why I'd let her step onto that room though was just beyond me. I was never the kind to follow my gut because I'd gotten used to strategizing every little thing over the years but how it had gotten past me to think it through as I had basically dragged her over to this room, I didn't even understand.

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