Chapter 33: The End

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Excitement is not a word worthy to cover up the excitement I got when my father was arrested and for sure sentenced to solitary imprisonment. I had been one of the first at the newspaper vending machine, not because I really wanted to read the papers, who even does that these days? No, I was there to see the name make the headlines, as well as all his accomplices. It was beautiful.


"James, we need to talk privately" Jack said and got up lazily.

Some things just don't change over the years.

"Alright" I said and followed behind him to what looked like his study.

"What's up?" I said as we stepped in.

He didn't respond and I waited for his next move. My brother always loved to have something special done before he broke any news, dramatic I know. So I wasn't surprised when he pushed a button next to his shelf and the secret ultramodern computer room was revealed. So he is still a computer geek.

"I have all the records of everyone in The Lock" he said.

"What? How? That's classified information" I said, shocked at how good he had to be to obtain such information.

"We'll have a proper reunion where I'll tell you the details of how I went to computer school and all that but right now, I have a prewritten email to all those I know dad forced into the agency and those who are actually just following orders out of fear, I also know the hard headed ones so that's that. You just give the word and the email will be sent out immediately" he said looking all cocky and ready.

"Won't you be traced?"

"Even the CIA can't trace my whereabouts what makes you think they would be able to"

"You can't be too sure. The organization has changed a lot since you left"

"I've changed too"

"I have a fake location all set up in dad's right hand man's getaway house and I don't want to bore you with the details"

"this is risky"

"Freedom was never risk free. Has dad tried to contact you since you got out of prison?"

"No but I know he has eyes on me and he knows I have a child with her. Ive seen some drones pass by too many times and some of the company's new recruits that haven't mastered discreteness yet"

"Maybe when we're done with Dad we can just hold a workshop for them" he joked.

"I couldn't agree less"

And so the emails were sent out. It seemed those men had been looking for a way out because they eagerly responded. We then mailed the records of all the transactions through an encrypted account to the CIA who informed the police and everything was set up.

My father was charged and my mother was free. The times when he was in court were the most trying times. Pearl finally contacted me and I arranged for them to be flown out of the country to somewhere they weren't necessarily known. No, I didn't send them to mars, I would if I could. God knows that girl knows way too many people but I sent them to my personal house in China. She could tour all she wanted and most especially since my father's workers weren't around, the doctor discontinued her supposed heart drugs.


I'm supposed to finally be joined in holy matrimony to the one girl that stood by me through it all and I still haven't found the words for my vow. I'm dead in her hands but what more can I do.

The truth baby girl, is that I'm flustered

I don't even know what to say that would quantify just how much joy you've given to me

As much as I want to add "so I'll say nothing", I know your nerves are in a bad place now and I still want mu quiver full *wink wink*

The only thing that comes to mind now is

"Forever and always"

We've only ever said that to each other before parting but I'm changing that

So forever and always be my queen

Forever and always be with me

Forever's only time limit is when either of us goes to meet the lord

I promise you've found a help mate in me

I'm a work in progress but I know I've found everything I'd ever need in you

And the beautiful boy you've already given us

Cheers to more love

I'll always be your Casanova boyfriend

I scribbled down on a note and passed it through the slit of her door.

I was about to finally walk back to get my jacket when I heard a sniffle.

A smile arched and it sealed this new promise.

Forever and always baby....

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