Chapter 17

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I'm leaving Nigeria in the next 16 hours. Only God knows how long I'll be there but God and man, I'm going to try to enjoy it.

I'm a teenager after all. I'm not meant to think too much into the part of my future that entails marriage. I'm just human though so I frequently find myself thinking of how my wedding procession will be? Who will be that special man in a white suit?

All these thoughts are recurrent in my mind and no matter how hard I try to deny it, I only see James fitting in the specifications I feel I need for a man in a white suit that day.

As a teenager, you're meant to be lost in the world and trying to find yourself but of course, the need to feel loved and accepted really blurs our vision most time and we find ourselves being blown away by what we call a special need, a higher priority.

Right now, I need that space from James, this whole Lock situation has made me realize I need to find the strength I need, independent of love.

"Hey babe", James said standing at the door.

Blinking my eyes rapidly, hoping and praying that I wasn't imagining him there, I took a deep breath and a bit breezily "Oh I didn't see you there".

" Is this really happening?", he said without moving a limb, instead using his eyes to point to my luggage that was packed at the corner of the room.

"Ha, I guess so. The room kind of looks too bare don't you think", I said laughing sadly.

He slipped his hands in his pocket, holding my eyes as his face morphed into a more sad one, "There's nothing I can say to stop this"

"Its not exactly in my hands to change how things turn out"

"I know that. I just don't think I'm ready to let you go"

"I don't want to let you go too but I leave by 8 am tomorrow"

"You won't forget me though, will you"

Slowly getting up from where I had sat on my bed, sorting things to give away, I made sure to make sure my words stuck to him. Taking it one step at a time and I took the words at the same pace as my walking.

"You've made a mark on me, believe it or not, its officially impossible to forget you and this thing we share", I said as I went in slowly for one of the last kisses I'll ever get from this fine specimen of a boyfriend.

I didn't realize tears had begun to drop from my eyes until I felt his hands come up to wipe them away. Feeling his fingers on my face, I don't know when I broke into tears as he tried to shush me by  swinging us side to side.

The movement seemed to soothe me and I looked at him teary eyed and saw just how broken this had left him.

" I don't want you to leave but as much as I want to tell you to stay and as much I want to be able to keep you locked away. I know its not possible because right now, The Lock is bigger than us"

"I didn't want you to feel pressurized but I'm leaving tomorrow so now would be the best time to tell me whats up with The Lock being after me. You're the only person that seems to really know why"

"Before I tell you, I want you to understand that I'm a victim here"


"I don't want to put your life in more danger than it is"

"If you're part of them you just tell me, there's no difference"

"Oh its more than that"

"You have some information they need and they're using me to threaten you"

"That's could happen but I'm not holding any information, unless they're interested in my last term's result", he said trying to lighten the mood.

" Alright then, I'm listening", I said wrapping my arms around his waist as I stared into his eyes, trying to send the signal that I would listen and not judge him.

"I'm kind of the heir to The Lock", he rambled out and slammed his lips into mine.

I know exactly what he's trying to do and it won't work. He's trying to get me so kiss-drunk that I'll forget that he just made a life threatening revelation. He thought that I'd look up at him dreamily and forget that major detail.

Then again, I'm pretty convinced he's already expecting me to freak out.

"What? This should have been the first thing you said when we met. I mean you should have been like, hey I'm James and just in case your life gets threatened by our friendship, just know that I'm the sole heir to the world's most feared fucking gang", I said angrily but not raising my voice before every other person gets involved.

" I knew you'd say this. I've ran this scenario through my head and they don't look good. I'm sorry, I wanted to enjoy the vibe without messing it up"

"Well then good luck, you've wasted so much time and now I dunno what your father wants from me?"

"He just wants to mess with us baby. We shouldn't let him get to us", he said trying to cup my face.

"What a way to meet my boyfriend's family. He'll probably want me dead for coming in between the match he's already made for you. Our first meeting will probably be me tied to an electric chair or with a gun to my head or worse both. After being electrocuted, he'll shoot me straight through the brain to make sure. I'm not ready to go to heaven. I have so many things I haven't been able to do. Why do you have to be the heir?", I rambled out as I hit his chest continually.

"Before I met you baby, I've been fighting it. There's so much you don't know about this arrangement and right now I can't tell you everything but I'll fight for us. We won't be able to win this battle now but I will come for you baby. It might take years but if you'll have me then, I'm yours babe. Always and forever"

"Always and forever", I whispered slowly as I rested my head on his chest.

We stood like that for what seemed like hours. I never wanted this hug to end. I felt all of him pressed up against me. His broad shoulders enveloping my small frame. His lips had found place on my head. His arms holding me firmly and I realized, you don't have to be in your late 20s or be in a relationship for years before you know its love that bonds you.

That's what I felt for this broken boy holding me to his body. He is my home and right now I know I need to explore the world not because I want to have other relationships but we both need the space to make sure when we do come back together, nothing would stand a barrier. In years time, we'll be able to build a bridge over this gap and scale through other things that come up.

He stayed with me that night and watched me put finishing touches to my packing. He helped me tick my list and cross checked all my luggage.

As we both crawled into bed, I cuddled up against his chest as he wrapped his arms around my waist spooning me. I was at the edge of unconsciousness when I heard him whisper, "I'll come for you and when you're ready, tell me always and forever and I'll take you away"
James and Ruby are about to be separated😭. Do you think they'll win this fight or is this the end?

Today feels like a double update day. Don't forget to vote, comment and share this story. Really tell me why you think?


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