Chapter 12

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I woke up the next morning a lot earlier than Ruby because I was so set on making our first morning as a couple memorable for her. She was lying face up with one of her legs crossed over me. As I slowly shifted her leg, I noticed the distinct red colour on her otherwise blue bed spread and figured she was going to be grumpy from her period, if she's anything like my sister but to be on the safe side, I began to browse out home remedies.

I went to the kitchen and put a kettle of water on fire as I began cracking eggs and toasting the bread for our breakfast. While waiting for her water to heat up, I ate my share. I'm usually a good cook but I swear some part of the egg shell didn't respect my expertise enough to not slip into the mix. I hope she doesn't chew on the shell because I don't know how TV chefs do it. I mean that stuff of hitting the egg by the side of the plate and pouring it into the mix, using only a hand! I can't do that for the sake of my life. I tried it with a crate of eggs when I was like 10 and I swear none of them made it to the bowl. I had to sit and watch the cleaners do their job as my mum smacked me every once in a while. Till now I'm still being constantly reminded of my 'great egg fail' as mum calls it. I thought I was so lucky she didn't get it on tape till she had the security men run the surveillance camera for her. My mum can be really devious when she wants to be.

Coming back to her room, she was grunting as she sat up using the bed head to rest her back. She looked so adorable with her bed hair and her nightie.

"Baby, you're awake", I said as I stepped in.

" Yes sadly", she said rolling her eyes probably already knowing she'd started her period.

"First thing on the list, you need a hot bath", I said.

" Badly", she said with a grunt.

"Alright", I said and picked her up bridal style before she could try getting up.

She didn't even put up a fight, she just relaxed and rested her head on my chest mumbling something about getting used to this. I know you'd think I undress her and stuff but I don't think this is the time for my mind to go south and we haven't exactly reached that stage.

As I heard her begin to take her bath slowly, I brought her breakfast in setting it on the bed and waited for her to be done. I heard the water being turned off and next thing, she crawled out of the bathroom. If I didn't emphasize before, she CRAWLED, as in on all fours.

I went to where she was by the door and picked her up, dropping her on the bed where I'd kind of picked out a pair for shorts and other things I thought would look comfortable on her. I can't really say I was freaked out when I had to lay out a pad for her since I do it all the time for my sister, Pearl. I walked out to give her some privacy.

I quickly went to take a shower knowing that at the rate she was doing things she wouldn't be done for at least 30 minutes. I had to risk all of Richy's gay pick up lines. Sometimes I swear he's gay but when you see him scrolling through his Instagram feed and stopping at every picture to rate a girl's body, the thought will skip right out.

By the time I was done she'd already began eating her food and I just sat down to watch her eat slowly. I still can't believe she's my girlfriend now. What I have for her wasn't exactly love at first sight but there was this connection I felt. As a normal teenager, after going through all the issues that a normal teenager wouldn't handle, I decided that love or even any form of attraction would be the last thing on my mind. So I put on a show for people, ending up making of with different girls everyday or every week depending on how intriguing they were and acting like a general player.

That is until I met Ruby. Looking at her now with her bed hair looking so perfect and her eyelashes so long and arranged, what looked like a freckle on her right cheek but was actually an acne spot, her partly full lips and her tiny eyes, I didn't know when my resolve broke. The next thing I know I'm pining over her, nights spent looking up at the ceiling, contemplating what to do for the girl I thought of as a rare gem in my life.

I've never been so jittery around anyone but as much as I love to annoy her, I'm also almost a nervous wreck, trying to make sure everything is set the way she likes it but if Bry or Richy notices, I'll deny for the sake of my reputation. I can't live down Ruby teasing me over something she appreciates.

The house was quiet because Bry and Micah were in their new relationship- I'm ecstatic phase and wanted to spend the whole day together. Barf but adorable.

"Are you done eating?" I said as she dropped her cup of Chamomile tea.

"Yeah", she said still sitting up.

" Got room for something better?", I said grinning at her.

"And what would that be?", she said eyeing me suspiciously.

"Me", I said proudly bringing my fave close to hers.

" Always", she said forcing out a laugh.

As soon as she said that, I kissed her hard. It started out a bit fast but not wanting to inconvenience her, I slowed down as we adjusted to a more comfortable position. I swear she's addicted to my hair because even when we sit in absolute silence, her hands find their way into my hair. Not like I'm complaining or anything so when her hands get into my hair I relax into her touch as her hands do their bidding.

"I think I'll just sleep the pain away", she said as we pulled apart.

" That's your go to", I said smiling. .

"It works. Don't judge me", she said giving the 'I surrender' look as she raised her hands up laughing.

"But you'll leave me alone", I said and pouted for effect.

" You can join me", she said laughing at my face.

"But its just like 11 o'clock", I said pointing at her bedside clock.

"And its a good time to take a nap"

"If you say so"

"Aww come on. I'll have bad dreams without you"

"I'm so happy you're my girl now"


"You're really opening up to me. Plus I can wrap my arms around you anytime I want now"

"You're adorable, you know that, right"

"Only for you baby", I said and kissed her on her forehead.

I can't stay over tonight because I have a house and my father's in town. Let's hope this goes well.
This is James' first POV. Don't you just want to get yourself a James? I know I do. Why do you think James said he hopes it goes well?

This is just a note to say more is to come. In the next chapter we'll get to meet Mr. Llock and probably know why James said so. Shit is about to go down people.


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