Chapter 19

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"Dear Lord, it's another mission. I've gone undercover more times than I've gone on dates and you've been with me through it all. Rapists, drug dealers, mafias and the likes but this is bigger than big. James is involved, Lord. I don't want to be caught and risk more than just my life. All I ask for right now is success and by success, I don't want my cover to be blown. I've never been in on a case as important as this but Lord take over", I said as I adjusted the head tie I had used as a veil over my now shoulder length dark hair.

Standing up, I used my hands to smoothen off the creases on my dress and what little dust the material had absorbed from the altar in the chapel. It had become my thing over the years.

Before any thing, big or small, any event at all that I was about perform, I'd take out time to come to the chapel, get on my knees and ask for help. This time though is way bigger than the other times.

Rivers State had been having issues with the high rate of drugs intake. Judging from the fact that other undercover agents had gone and busted into small joints and arrested the men or people in charge because now even women run the hood, it was still crazy that the pills were still being dealt on and consumed in high quantities.

This is a special mission and I'm so glad I got picked. Cases like this don't go to rookies. I've been in the force for five years now but there's always someone that has been there longer than you have. This kind of mission doesn't really need a coagent because the connections The Lock  has surprises everyone. You never know who could be giving them information so I have to try to keep everything I know to myself.

If you're wondering, I now work with the NDLEA and because the Director of this division is such a good woman, personally I look up to her for all her good works, we are actually doing the society a whole lot of good. There's no bribery and no corruption. Sure there is always the low percentage of rotten eggs who would still go into nepotism and favoritism but at the high levels, they're all clean.

After spending my final year of high school and university in Nevada, I relocated back to Nigeria. My parents tried everything to keep me there but bad things also happened in Nevada.

By my second year in University, my mother was diagnosed with lung cancer. She's a strong woman, no doubt but fighting the disease was a tough battle even for her. I watched the cancer drain the life out of her slowly, chemotherapy wasn't exactly compatible with her body and I watched her eyes lose their shine slowly. She survived though but now she's so guarded that my father almost doesn't let her out of his sight without her personal bodyguard slash medical personnel. What can I say, one size fits all.

I got into my small convertible and threw my veil over to the back seat. I drove off to the saloon to get a whole makeover so I wouldn't be recognizable. I had to go by the alias, Jade Freeman. To look rugged enough, I had to dye my hair red with purple highlights along with two new piercings at the top of my ear. Don't ask me who gives the babe fashion advice.

I had removable tats on because why not? I had them done over my hand and back because I won't go any further. I'm religious like that. Nobody, like NOBODY is seeing this sexy bod before marriage to the LOML, Jamie, whom I been stalking for as long as we been apart. He seems like he's forgotten me. Wish I could say the same.

Well I had to get the look going. I'd go for an eye piercing but I doubt people would take me seriously after this. And let's not even talk of how my mother's gonna eat me up if see even sees an iota of piercing. I mean, I can cover up the ears with with saying I was feeling crazy but I'd be better off blind than getting a piercing, says the mom. Nigerians mothers are another type.

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