- 2 - your fate

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Meanwhile, far away from the steady headquarters of Valorant, there exist humans called Radiants all over the world.
Radiants are the people which are gifted with an paranormal ability due to the Radianite incidents worldwide. Or should we call it a curse? Cuz Radiants have been hunted down since they started existing.

Some Radiants might got these strange abilites by coincidence but most of them got this curse in an unnatural way... in a laboratory.

Ever since human race exists, they had been cruel and greedy about everything they could find. Especially when it comes to a new toy... the Radianite.

There is no official number how many children, teens and adults suffered or still suffer from the damage taken due to experiments with the radioactive element.
Thousands died in those experiments, leaving a few hundrets of people with strange abilites behind.

And you are one of these hundret survivors. One of the people that went through hell only to end up in another hell.

One of the survivors that has to stay hidden to prevent getting killed by the police.

Staying hidden in a world full of things you never experienced before leaving this damn laboratory.

This is your story...

... ...

The island you once loved turned into something you wanted to leave behind. You never had lots of memories, but the ones you had were positive...until you gave up an independent life. It wasnt your will to be a prisoner, but now that you are standing here, you didnt know what would be better. Being a rat for scienists or prey for the government.

The stars together with the wild sea in front of you gave you goosebumps.

Nothing could hold you back from leaving this damn country now.
The country you called home: Greece.

But for now you had no clue how you could do that, so at the moment you were stuck here. And stuck with being a thief living in an abandoned house outside the city.

Your gaze fell on your left arm, wrapped around your legs.
You got a big scar there, nearly as big as your palm. It gave you flashbacks from a few days back, when you got caught...


,,You dirty thief, stop!", the scream of the shop owner you just stole food from was running after you. That never happened before and you are scared. Panting heavily, you run as fast as you can, making as many turns in small streets as possible. But this time, you got unlucky.

A few people who passed by, hearing the scream from the man behind you, stopped you and tried to bring you down. They ripped off the coat you were wearing, exposing your strange appearance, mutated by the Radiante.

A scream leaves your throat and with a harsh move you free yourself. But you frowned the moment you see the gun pointing at you.
Two police officers are standing in front of you, giving you a hateful gaze.

,,You freakin Radiants are all the same. You deserve to die.", one of them grinning at you.
More people stopped by and were watching you now.

Your body starts shaking. But not out of fear... you are angry. Angry at this damn society that couldnt understand you. That never loved you. That never gave you anything beside pain.

You look at all the people around you.
Not even one person had a smile or a warm look. No, everyone wanted you dead.
Like it was your fault all that happened to you! Like you had control about these illegal experiments... like you wouldnt hate yourself enough already...

,,If thats what you think, I will give you what you desire.", you shouted.

At the same moment, the police started shooting at you, but they werent fast enough. With a stone you brutally injured your arm, activating your "gift".

The next seconds were cruel and a massacre. You didnt know you were able to do that until you saw what you did.
Tears streaming down your cheeks, you run without looking back.
But while you were already regretting what you did, something inside you told you, that you did the right thing.

And then you smile, no, you grin.

,,If this world is so cruel to me, why not being cruel to it too?"


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