- 22 - mission³

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,,We ran right into their trap! You gotta warn the others before someone dies!", Astra seemed really concered, no it was more like she was deeply terrified. What did she find out while she was here with Harbor? It must have been nerve wracking.

,,The comms arent working?!", Sage was tapping on her speaking device.

,,They were prepared...", Phyllis whispered.


*meanwhile Skye and Omens Pov*

,,Its too quiet. Something isnt right mate.", Skyes guts told her danger was about to come.

,,Hm, danger is always at our side. Come.", Omen sneaked through the next corridor, aiming his rifle towards incoming footsteps.

,,Omen! There you are! Something real bad happened!", the Shadow was surprised to see Phyllis in front of his gun, the ally badge on her shoulder.

He lowered the gun.

,,What happened?", he noticed a few scratches here and there.

,,It was all a trap! They were just waiting for us to enter! We have to go before we lose more friends.", she was holding back tears.

,,Tell us what happened, flower. Werent you with Sage?", Skye lowered her gun and walked up to the girl, grabbing her shoulder softly.

,,E-everything happened so fast a...and there was so much blood. I got separated from the others. Please, we have to get out of here! Not even the comms are working!", Phyllis sounded scared and really desperate to leave this hellish island.

Omen confirmed the comm problem. They must have the fake Killjoy with them.

,,Calm down. We will find a way to get us all back safe and look for the others.", Skye patted her shoulder and gave her a smile before turning to Omen with a serious look.

,,We gotta retreat and try to catch up to the rest before rescuing Sage and the others."

Omen was looking at Phyllis. It was odd to see her leaving Sage behind. It must have been a mess if she had to flee so carelessly. Or maybe Sage told her to run?

,,I will let my seekers find Sage and Neon.", Skye said while concentrating her power.

,,No! It would reveal our position to the enemy!", Phyllis shouted.

,,Or your screaming did already. Are you really alright? You seem so unbalanced all of a sudden, kid.", the australian farmer seemed suspicious. She was definitly hiding something.

She turned away for a second, peeking around the next corner to check if she could hear someone coming.

Suddenly Skye felt cold metal against her throat, then a gun was fired.

,,No one could imitate Phyllis.", Omen growled while Skye looked at Phyllis dead body- or more Omega Phyllis body.

,,They are wearing our badges. Kingdoms strats are getting worse for us. We have to warn the others. Seems like we ran right into their trap."

,,But how do we warn them? Comms are off and we still didnt find Astra and Harbor. Additionally we now have to be suspicious of every person we see.", Omen answered.

,,I'd say we use my seekers to find Sage and Phyllis. They might be in trouble. And Sage will decide the next step.", the nature lover just ended her sentence before shots were fired.

,,Get down!", Omen grabbed Skye while smoking them in haste, trying to find cover from the rain of bullets.


They reached a nearby corridor and leaned against the wall, reloading their guns.

,,Show me that!", Skye said.

,,Its nothing."

Skye ignored Omens answer and grabbed his arm, healing some wound taken by a Guardian or something. It was pretty deep but nothing she couldnt handle.

,,Lets stick with our plan... show me the way my dear friends.", Skye send out her jellyfish looking like seekers and they ran after them, not knowing what would await them next....


My new gekko fanfic is up too if you wanna pass by and check it out. I would be happy to see you there~

- Kae

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