- 4 - monster

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The person didnt even look at them.

She smashed against the wall where the Radiante was, got up immediantly and... ate it?

They both looked at this bizarre sight.
The person in front of them seemed to be a young female Radiant.

Omen felt a sting in his heart. This girl in front of him reminded him of his old self... without any control about his body the only thing he desired was Radianite. More and more of it. The longer he was exposed to it the more he lost his physical body and ended up with the self he is now.

,,A Radiant. We should take her with us and help her. She looks terrible.", Sova said and pointed his shocking dart at the womans back.

At that moment blue eyes looked at him with a brutal gaze.

,,Dont.move.", Omen whispered.

The state she was in right now was similar to a beast. A wrong step could cost their lifes.

And then everything happened real quick.

Sova shot, the girl jumped at him and in that moment Omen used his power to teleport behind her and knock her out. Her body became numb and collapsed before she reached the russian agent.

,,Damn she is quick. Good job my buddy.", Sova said and picked her up.

,,What is a strong Radiant like her doing here so randomly? Someone should have sensed her when she was awakened." Omens intuition already had the answer tho he didnt say it out loud.

She must have escaped a laboratory recently. They hid her powers, held her like a damn slave there and she must have gotten out of control.

He clenched his fists. Humans are so disgusting. Sometimes he just wanted to kill all these assholes messing with innocent people.

,,Lets go.", Sova looked at Omen. It seemed like he was deep in thoughts. But he followed him to their squads jet.

,,What the hell did u two bring with you, man? She looks crazy.", Phoenix stood up and looked at the wasted Radiant in Sovas arms.

Brimstone looked up.

,,The Radianite attracted her, so we found her and brought her with us. She is in a terrible condition so we thought-...", Sova started explaining.

,,Its okay. No further explanation needed. When she wakes up, she can decide wether to join us or die.", Brimstone answered.

,,What?! Since when are we killing our own kind?! How can you say something so cold?!", Phoenix said angrily.

,,I heard about her. She killed 14 people last week on a market. She is deadly and out of control. If she wont join us, she has no future. Someone like her isnt supposed to exist."

Omen didnt like the tone Brimstone was talking in. Sometimes Brim seemed to forget what he himself did too. Everyone of them had a dark past and thats what qualified them for this job.

,,I think thats enough. We will make her join for sure. So calm down...and just one more thing Brim: Dont forget you are a monster yourself too.", Omen said and sat down.

After this sentence silence came over them. No one said a word until they arrived in their headquarters.

Getting there, they were already awaited.

Jett and Yoru were waiting for them, greeting them happily by waving the landing jet.

Sage was standing behind them, waiting if she had to heal someone. She doesnt show it much but she worries a lot about her teammates whenever they go somewhere without her.

All three of them got surprised, when Phoenix brought out a stranger in his arms.

,,A new radiant?", Sage said, more to herself. Whenever someone awoke, she felt more and more sad and angry at the same time.
Would humanity stop making their job so difficult with spreading and selling Radianite, it would put a stop to the mass of Radiants awakening.

She didnt had anything against the Radiants themselves. More against the way they were treated. Radiants had no future beside being abducted and killed outside of Valorant. The more happier she was whenever they could take a Radiant with them and give them a home here at the Valorant protocol, a safe place for gifted people.... or at least less deadly than the outside world.

She walked up to Phoenix and laid her palm at the girls forehead to check on her.

,,She is exhausted. Her body's stresslevel is insane- it nearly seems like Omens.", she whispered.

Omen still overheard what she said and he knew what that meant for this young lady...

She might lose her physical body soon.

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