- 10 - a proud Radiant

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,,It must have been really scary. We are sorry for not telling you earlier.", Sage claimed and smiled at you.

,,I- I am just relieved everyone is okay. Lets forget about it.", you stood up from the bed and looked at the others.

,,Should we go eat? Im dying for a meal.", Raze said and didnt even wait for an answer.

You followed them and shortly after Omen fell back and was now walking beside you. He didnt say anything but that was okay. Looking at him gave you so much relief.
When you saw the gun in Yorus hands and all the blood on Omen you really thought you got fooled again by your "new" family.
But everything was fine. And Omen seemed as healthy as always.

,,Are we in headquarters now?", you asked.

,,Yes. Now that we are here the real hassle starts for you - they will start with your Radianite training. Since your body is like mine they want you to take control over your body in the presence of Radianite. Before you didnt master that you cant come on missions with us."

,,They have this stuff here?", you wondered why you cant feel it.

,,Killjoy invented a mechanism to hide the Radianites attracting aura. So you cant feel it while being in here.", he answered.

,,I see.", with that your convo ended and you arrived at the dining hall.
To your surprise it was nearly empty. Just one person was sitting inside.


Later that day

Fear made your heart-rate raise the moment Brimstone came to tell you its time for the training Omen warned you about.

Said person would also be the one instructing you because he went through it himself... obviously.

When you stepped in the training hall you were more than nervous. Omen was waiting there with another person.

,,We already saw each other but we didnt talk- so I am Reyna. Glad to have another Radiant here among all those science freaks.", she stated and observed every single inch of you.

,,Lets not waste time then. Its gonna be simple: we take the Radianite here, you withstand it and in case you get crazy we will knock you out.", her voice was bossy and deep. You didnt know if she startled or impressed you with that but she seemed like she was really proud of being a Radiant.

,,Dont worry. The first times might fail so dont put too much pressure on yourself. It will get better by time.", Omen added.

Reyna rolled her eyes: ,,Getting soft for the new girl? Cute."

She went off and opened another door.
Omen gave you a look.

The moment Reyna came back you felt your blood beginning to boil...

She held it in her hand - the Radiante.

,,Fight against the desire and take control of your own body. You should be the only one in charge! Proof you are worth carrying a gift!", Reyna shouted in your direction.

But there was nothing you could do. The second your eyes focused on the blue-ish glowing thing your mind got lost.

Omen observed every single muscle of yours. He saw how your eyes lost their spark and your mind went crazy.
The black veines on your arms began to glow and the scream leaving your throat gave him the signal that todays training was a fail.

Suddenly you sprinted in Reynas direction, reaching for the desired drug that your body wanted so badly.

You were strong and he could feel it.

Controlling Radiant powers also means to abandon uncontrollable strength.

"Raw" Radiants are probably the strongest individuals but at the same time their bodies wouldnt have long to live and their outrageous powers are useless for combat missions since they are just going berserk.

,,Its over. Take her down.", Omen said, looking at Reyna.

,,Let me see her powers. We dont know anything about it.", Reyna grinned.

,,No! Thats too dangerous!", said the shadow-like Agent.

But Reyna didnt listen and while throwing the brick of Radianite towards Omen, she attacked you.

Before she could reach you, she looked in your eyes- a mistake.

She immediantly fell on her knees right before you.

Omen realized you needed eyecontact to use the skill you were trying to use so he acted right before you could try it on Reyna.

He blinded you and the hall was suddenly full of dark blue smoke.

A frustrated scream left your mouth and you began scratching your arm until it was bleeding. The blood dripping from your arm crystallized into needles.

Meanwhile Omen got hold of Reyna and shoved her towards the exit. But he didnt realize he dropped the glowing cube you desired at the other end of the training facility.

,,Get Kayo and Sage! Now!", his voice was harsh and Reyna chuckled.

When Reyna left the hall she chuckled:

,,Seems like our new girl is fun."

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