- 17 - falling apart

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,,You should've held her back!"

,,We couldnt, okay?! You think I would risk her life if I would have had a choice back there?! I nearly died myself there!"

,,Fighting wont help her! Let me concentrate!", Sage ended the discussion and gave Viper and Brim a strict stare. Both went silent and the older one stepped out of the room with a "Report to me later".

,,Its his way of showing care.", Skye sat down beside Sage and activated her powers.

,,What do you think? Her breathing is so shallow and this wound- I only saw it once...on Omen.", Sage asked.

The eyes of the aussie were closed while her palms rest on the Radiants chest.

,,It feels- empty... its like the feeling I get with Omen. Sometimes I lose him, if that makes sense.", Skye always wished to be able to help Omen. To lead him a way to a happier life. But she couldnt even imagine the pain and suffering he was experiencing. Seeing another young Radiant suffer from a similar reaction to Radianite made her unsure of what the future would bring for all of them.

,,How can we stabilize her core and get rid of this weird wound on her chest-...", Sage spoke what she was thinking about.

,,You cant."

Both healers turned their heads to the shadow figure who arrived this second in one of the edges. He was listening since Phyllis reached the headquarters.

,,What do you mean, Omen?" By now everyone was used to Omens random appearances.

,,You should know by now, that you cant help people which are like us. She is fighting with herself right now. There is no healing to that pain. Phyllis can only help herself now. If her soul is strong enough, she will live." -and if not she will fall into pieces. But the last part didnt had to be said out loud.

,,I will still come by to check on her condition. Stay with her, Omen. I think you got the best understanding of the situation right now...and I bet she would be relieved to see you first if she wakes up.", Skye winked and dragged Sage with her out of the room.

Actually Omen wanted to try something so he was relieved to see both of them leave. It wasnt something he wanted others to see cuz it shows how vulnerable he actually was.

,,Your time hasnt come yet.", dark smoke covered both of them the moment Omen activated his powers. His chest started glowing in a vibrant blue as he rests his forehead against Phyllis'.

*Phyllis Pov*

It felt so empty and a cold breeze made her shiver as she was standing inside something she couldnt even identify.

She couldnt move her feet, feeling like she was sinking deeper and deeper in a thic gooey substance.

It hurts.

It pulls her apart.

It felt like she was at the verge of losing consciousness just to regain it again and again by a pulsating pain in her chest.

The young radiant tried to free her legs, tried to grab onto something- but there wasnt anything but darkness.

Her screams vanished unheard while tears ran down her cheeks.

Suddenly a blue light appeared tho it seems to be so far away.

,,Please, someone...help.", Phyllis voice was shaking out of fear.

Did she die? Is this what hell looks like? She would deserve it after killing so many people, right?

,,I- I WANNA LIVE!", it sounded like a desperate beg and for the first time after so long this girl really had the will to continue her path no matter how painful it would be.

She found people she wanted to live for- mates to protect.

,,Its okay, I will protect your life with mine until we achieved our goals.",

the blue light was now right in front of her and the voice seemed oddly familiar.

Arms reached out, wrapping her tightly before pulling the woman out of the mysterious dark.

,,Close your eyes. We will get you out."

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