- 12 - embrace

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The next time you entered the training hall Omen was missing. Instead Brimstone himself together with Reyna would instruct your training.
You felt this little sting in your chest. Paired with the feeling of disappointment.

Maybe you had too many expectations, but you felt hurt. You thought he would watch over you after kinda mentoring you and showing you his understanding mind in this short period of time.

This and the following training sessions went a little different.

Brimstone was eager to get out your full potential and wanted to improve your stamina and body strength.

Whenever the radianite would be used in your sight, Kayo would be there now... but as Sage said- it was painful. Your body collapsed multiple times in these weeks but slowly the stamina training would show its perks. Your body learned how to keep up with Kayos wrecking ability and thats how the side effects got smaller and smaller every session. You learned that the other agents didnt had any physical problems anymore while facing Kayo. He would simply cancel their Radiant abilities, no pain, no side effects.


It was a wednesday night where you decided to find Omen for a final talk.

You tried a few times already but he was nowhere to be found. Little did you know he was actually watching you everytime you looked out for him. He stayed in the shadows, looking at you in regret and pain.

But today would be different. You knew that the team for the next mission had their strategy talk and Omen was one of the participants.

You rushed there as soon as your training was completed.

You waited patiently in front of the door, hiding your presence and hoping Omen would not just teleport to his room but use the doors like all the other agents too.

You felt your heart stopping for a second the moment the door opened.

,,Oh, you waiting for someone, ma cherié?", Chambers charming voice stated.

,,Yes, is Omen inside?", you asked.

,,Oui, hurry in and talk to him before he runs away again.", the french man gave you a wink and walked away.

It was no secret what happened that day in the training hall. Obviously it spread fast among the agents because its been some time since a Radiant went on berserk in this facility. But no one actually treated you different after the incident. It was the opposite-

After Reyna told some agents how impressed she was by your ability, more agents came up to you and you got closer to some of them. It felt good to not get judged. But the incident with Omen kept your mind busy. You kinda missed his presence.

Shoving your thoughts away, you rushed into the office room. You felt relief when you spotted Omen, still talking to Killjoy.

,,Hey KJ, sorry for disturbing you, but I really need a talk with Omen."

You knew the german ingeneer would not mind your actions, so you just grabbed Omen by his arm and dragged him in front of the doors.

,,Sure! See ya later, sweetie.", Killjoys motivated voice echoed from inside the room.

But you didnt pay attention to it. Instead you looked at Omen. He didnt said anything.

,,Omen, I really wanna talk with you. Can we go outside, just you and me?", you asked with begging eyes.

The Radiant couldnt resist. He heard the disappointment and sadness in your voice. Maybe it was time for him to face you...and the voices in his head.

,,Okay, lets go."

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