- 3 - your drug

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A tingly feeling in your body woke you up in the middle of the night.
It was the sign that there was something near you, which you needed...


Your eyes were shining in a bright blue color and the abnormal black venes you normally have on your body glowed up in the same blue.

If someone would look at you right now, he might have been scared. And if you are honest...sometimes you are scared of yourself too. Because when this happens, your body acts up, gets out of your control. Its like you are high and feel pain at the same time. The desire to kill someone grows and grows. And you turn into the monster you are afraid of the most...

In these minutes you wish for someone to stop you. But who would? Maybe thats what a loved person or family would do, but you never had someone like that...well you had, but you lost the memories involving your parents. And thats why this lonely feeling in your chest eats you up day by day, night by night.

But right now nothing like that matters. You just want the Radianite. Now.


*Valorants point of view:*

,,Today our target is a country we've never been to before. We are heading to greece. This is our destination.", Brimstone pointed at a small village near the ocean.

,,The Radianite should be either in this part, we call it A, or this part here, B of the enemy base. We will split up to explore these two spots, collect some Radianite and plant the spike... and its likely to happen that we will run into the enemy...our copies. Dont hesistate to eliminate them. They arent humans, they are just a fake! But dont shoot at your own mates. To prevent any confusion we wear these red stripes, as always. Now enough talking, lets head out."

The small group of 5 left the jet and as soon as their feet touch the ground, they felt the strong presence of the radioactive material.

,,Its huge.", claimed a shadow-like figure.

,,Dont let it get you crazy, Omen.", a woman with short black hair chuckled.

,,Stop talking and lets go, mates. I cant wait any longer.", some bright flames showed up on the shoulders of the excited man with black braids.

,,Stick to the plan and lets end this fast. I wanna go home."

,,Dont be so tense, Sova. Lets have some fun."


The group dashed behind a bush, hiding their guns from the citizens passing by.
As soon as they were gone, they ran to the big fence which is splitting up the Radianite zone from the people of the village.

,,If these terrorists which hide the Radianite pop up more and more, there will be a day where we wont be able to handle it anymore.", the blonde man said worried.

,,Dont think too much. We will just focus at the present, not on the future. Lets save as many lifes as we can for now."

With a big breath, they entered the battle zone, where they could be attacked any moment.

Knowing they might die today or maybe tommorrow slowly would drive them insane. But maybe thats what made them so strong in the past.

They split up in 2 groups, leaving Omen and Sova together.

The Two of them rushed towards the B area.

They hid behind a box as soon as they heard footsteps. Their guns peeked over the top of their hideout, ready to eliminate whoever comes.

Without blinking, Omen landed the headshot as soon as the person came around the corner.
It was a doppelganger of their teammate Jett, a white haired girl that wasnt with them today.

Sova signalized Omen to keep going.
The closer they came to the planting area, the more they got ensured that the Radianite was hidden there.
They could feel the powerful waves it was sending off.

While they arrived there, Brimstone contacted them.

,,We eliminated the clones and defused the spike, come back to the jet."

,,Got it. We will be there in a few minutes."

They both looked up as they heard footsteps coming closer. The person was fast and nearly silent.

Omen picked up his Phantom and pointed it at the gate the steps were coming closer from, while Sova sent a drone around the corner.

Just a few seconds later a black shadow sprinted in their direction.


Irritated from Sovas scream Omen let the bullet smash the wall.

And now he sensed it too....

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