- 6 - happy faces

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But this feeling didnt last long, because someone rushed in the room.

,,You should have told me she is running around in the base.", Brimstone entered the room and immediantly the atmosphere got colder.

,,She is right in front of you, so you can adress her directly. And she already agreed to join us. She is ready to give her life for Valorant."

The gaze which fell on you gave you goosebumps. But not the comfy ones.

You felt fear.

,,We will see about that. Inform her about the daily schedule and never let her be alone. I dont want her to make a mess. We cant trust her yet.", with these words he left again.

,,Dont take his words to the heart. He is like a leader for us and wants to protect everyone here. He is just worried. But as soon as you get his trust he will do everything to protect you, trust me."

Sages words didnt really calm you down. You felt like you arent welcome. Like an outsider...that you were and always will be.

,,Come. Its time for food. Lets get you to meet everyone. And you must be hungry after all that. You slept for quite some time.", the chinese woman seemed talkactive after all.

While you were walking through the building, she kept talking and it kinda made you comfortable.
She treated you like a human being...and she wasnt afraid of you.

Tho deep inside you were kinda afraid to meet the others Sage was talking about.
At least the Pheonix guy seemed pretty open and nice.

The fact that you would meet more people similar to you, let you feel nervous and happy at the same time.

The moment Sage opened the door to the kitchen you froze for a second.
You didnt expect them to be this many.

You stopped counting when you reached over 10.

The room was loud and lively.

,,EHEM.", Sage took all of the attention on her before she pointed at you.

,,That is our newest agent, Phyllis. Please take care of her and treat her well. I think we all want her to feel like home here.", she claimed and smiled at you.

Everyone was staring at you for a moment, until some of them stood up and welcomed you while some just watched whats happening.

The situation was a lil overwhelming so you didnt really realize anything there. But the three that reached out for you seemed really hyped and talkactive.

,,Yo, I am Skye. So happy to have another girl here. Come, lets grab some food."

The two remaining ones introduced themselves as Jett and Yoru.

They seemed so funny and chill that you forgot all these people in here could take a life in a second.

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