- 8 - shatter

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It was late night, when you stepped in the room that you could call your own from now on.
You felt drained from todays events and just wanted to close your eyes now.
Or maybe not.

Ever since that damn incident on the market back in greece just a few days ago nightmares were haunting you down. But to be honest...you deserved it. At least in your eyes.

You got weak and followed the voice in your head.

You killed people. Maybe they werent innocent, but they had families right?

You sat down on the soft matress.

Could you forgive yourself one day? Or maybe you should face what you are?

Suddenly you felt like everything was shaking.
You needed a few seconds to realize it was not in your mind.

The whole building crumbled under a shockwave.

You screamed. Panic dazed your head.

The door opened with a bang that scared you even more.

,,Phyllis!...Phyllis?! Get up! We need to get out! Now!", it was Raze.

She grabbed your arm and dragged you out of the room.

,,Listen girl, I will give you a gun now. Use it if your life is in danger, okay?... Breath, Phyllis. Everything is gonna be okay, but you have to focus. You are strong!", she shook you a few times and gave you a serious gaze, while handing you a black pistol. It felt cold and heavy in your hand.

You felt a slap on your cheek.

,,Ey! Get to your senses!"

You snapped out of your thoughts and grabbed your burning cheek.

Reality came back at you and you checked everything around both of you.

,,Come with me and shoot, when I tell you to, okay?"

,,Okay-", you respond and run after her.

You felt dizzy and scared, but tried to focus on Raze' back.

,,What happened?", thousands of questions rotated in your head.

,,The enemy attacked our base. We knew it would happen but they got here earlier than we thought. We will get out of here immediantly and move to our head quarters. Its safe there. Most of the agents got there already."

Head quarters? So this was just a temporary hideout?

You heard gun fire and crouched down out of reflex.

Your eyes fell on the source and you stopped breathing.

Right in front of your eyes you saw Yoru pointing a gun at Omen... and he fell.

,,WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!", you screamed out of your mind and ran to Omens body.

But he was dead. Blood covered the hallway.

,,What did you do...", you gasped while your hands touched the lifeless body.

You stared at your now bloody hands.

The panic in you rises more and more while you ask yourself what the hell you just saw.

Why would Yoru shoot his own mate and why is Raze not saying anything about it?

Omens words from yesterday hit.

You didnt even realize you were hyperventilating.

Yoru grabbed you by your shoulders and screamed something, but not even one of the words reached you.

Instead you shoved him off and pointed your gun at him. But your fingers lost the grip on it shortly after.

,,You murder.", it wasnt more than a whisper while you were coughing and choking on your sobs.

Everything got blurry and your head was spinning. You felt so betrayed. The family that you wanted to believe in just turned into betrayal and pain.

They are traitors...killing each other just like that.

You saw Raze reaching you, but before she could say something, you collapsed in her arms.

*Valorants Pov*

,,You didnt tell her?!"

,,Why me? Its not my job to tell her that stuff! I thought Brim or Sage would tell her everything about all that!", Raze snapped at Yoru and picked the body up.

Steps came closer and Yoru grabbed his gun that he dropped near Phyllis.

Sage came running towards them.

,,The east gate is fr-...what happened here?!", she took the wrist of the girl and checked the pulse. But she was okay, only unconcious.

The tears on her cheeks, her breathing that was still uneven and Omens corpse behind them kinda gave the healer an idea what must have happened.

,,I told you to watch over her. What did you do, for gods sake!", it was rare to see Sage in an angry mood.

,,We will tell you everything later. Lets get out of here first. Im so done with all this...but this is your fault, fOr GoDs SaKe.", Yoru replied moody as well and grabbed the unconcious girl out of Razes arms to put her on his back.

,,Watch my flanks. Lets go."

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