- 5 - life task

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When you woke up everything around you seemed unfamilar. It scared you. Did you get caught by the police?
Your memories are blurry. You just remembered the moment your mind has gone crazy cuz of the Radianite near you.

You got up slowly and tried to open the door. And surpringly...it opened.
Your heart was beating faster and faster the more you walked up the hallway.

,,Hey there, you awake! Glad to see you so lively, mate.", scared of the deep voice, you looked behind you at a guy your age with black dreads.

,,I- uhm... are you a policeman? I am sorry for-..."

,,Ah ah, calm down. You are safe. Look, I am a Radiant too.", his hand caught fire. Your eyes went big.

He is like you?

,,Ah- I better let the others explain this whole thing to you. Im no good at these kinda stuff. Come, we will go see Sage. I think she is way better in explaining everything in a nice way than Brim."

Sage? Brim? Are they teammates?

He leads you to a part of the building where it looks kinda hospital-like.
In one of the rooms you spotted a woman with silky black hair.

Damn, she is pretty.

,,Phoenix what can I-...Oh, you are finally consious again. Everyone really wanted to meet you, so we couldnt wait. Take a seat. You look confused...well thats understandable. No worries, I will explain everything to you.", she said and then looked at the fire guy.

,,Close the door behind you, Nix."

,,Okay dokey, have fun.", with that he was gone and your eyes fell back to the asian woman.

,,As he might have told you, I am Sage. My job is to keep everyone here healthy. If you ever happen to have an injury or need a talk, I will be there for you. But lets get to the serious part.", she looked at you, like she wanted to look inside your soul.

,,Do you have a name?", the black haired woman asked.
Her voice was so calming, nearly soothing.

,,Phyllis.", you just said. You didnt had a second name, but you have memories where people called you by that first name.

,,Thats a beautiful name, Phyllis. I will tell you a bit about us, okay?", she asked and you nodded.

,,We are a group called the Valorant protocol that unites Radiants from all over the world. Our job is it to collect Radianite and destroy enemies bases you can say. We dont wanna let more people feel the pain Radianite can cause. And we wanna fight against illegal organisations which gather and sell Radianite for weapons or experiments. Now whats your role in there you might ask. Well, we want you to be a part of the Valorant family and we want to help you... I dont know if you saw whats happening with your body...maybe we can help you with that. What do you think?"

The words after she said family werent interesting for you.

,,A family?", you whispered.

,,Uhm yea. We take care of each other, so we call us a family."

,,I- I'd like to be a part of that f-family, please."

Sage looked you in the eyes. Her expression was full of sadness and her eyes understanding.

,,We would love to have you here. But the deal is, that you do everything possible to safe this world...even if it costs your life. Beside you will have to train and let us help you control yourself in front of the Radianite. Are you ready for this huge task?"

You drowned in your thoughts for a moment. Your head was full of confusion about what she said but it sounded like something you can hold on. A task and a goal to fight for...you never really had something like that. And additionally your dream would come true...

You would have your own family.

,,Yes, I am ready to achieve everything you want me to. I wanna fight together with you. And I wanna have my life back.", your eyes teared up. But not because you were sad. You felt like a huge burden left your body.

,,I wanna be happy even tho I dont deserve it. I want back what got taken from me...I want a family."

Sage smiled and answered: ,,You deserve happiness as much as everyone out there and I am sure we will try our best to live our life to its fullest. Just never stop believing in yourself and never lose focus on the things you love. I know you can do it!."

And after all these months your inside felt warm and you shed a smile back.

I am happy.

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