- 20 - the mission ¹

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The moment you saw the notification from Sage on your phone the next day, you didnt know if you should be happy or worried. Your body was drilled for a mission and you were excited to see this strange island. But at the same time you were afraid it would end like your last mission or someone else will get hurt.

,,You got it too?", the voice came so unexpected that you dropped the phone.

,,Omen, stop doing that, dammit.", you picked up the device and checked for scratches.

,,No promises on that...why do you look so worried? The team will watch out for you, dont bother."

,,I know, but I...forget it. Everything will be fine.", you didnt wanted to tell him you were scared to end up in one of these nightmares again.

,,Hey you two, ready for the mission?", Jett threw herself at you, laying her arm around your shoulder.

,,Yea. So who else is coming?", you asked her.

,,Well Skye is in and Neon is coming too. Oh and Sage of course. The rest got called for an emergeny. Seems like Kingdom is never taking a break in sewing chaos. These shitheads.", she said with a hateful gaze.

,,Are we leaving today?", Omen looked at Jett.

,,Yea. Sage told me to get you two to the landing zone. Astra just contacted us that they need help immediantly. They mapped it as far as they could but its overflowing with kingdom soldiers and they saw some mirror agents. Reyna and Viper got spotted there."

Hearing that made you worry even more since you got huge respect towards Reyna. She was so superior when it came to controlling her Radiant powers.

The three of you hurried to the others already waiting for you.

,,Get your equipment and then lets go.", Sage said.

You walked over to the room with all the weapons.

Grabbing one of the backpacks full of packed food, water and the usual stuff to survive outside and then heading to the guns.

Your hand reached for some sidearms, a bulletproof vest and lastly a Vandal together with as much magazines as you could carry.

,,How many armys you gonna kill what that amount of bullets?", Neon chuckled behind you.

,,Its okay to be scared. But this time everything will go smoothly. Promise.", she gave you a smile before heading out.


The moment your body touched the cold water you nearly dropped your stuff, panicking.

But your eyes spotted the others underwater, swimming towards a huge opening in the stone like wall a few meters away.

You followed them, trying to keep up with their pace as they seemed practised with their swimming.

After passing the hole deep down in this lake you felt yourself struggling with holding your breath. You needed oxygen...soon.

You spotted the surface, swimming towards it.

Sage and Neon reached it first, getting themselves out of the water.

Your arms started feeling weak, your sight was slightly blurry and adrenaline was kicking now, getting you to the surface in time.

Sage helped you reach the warm sand.

After having some deep breaths you were able to focus on the surounding area.

Stunned by the view you stood up, touching one of all those lotus flowers.

,,Thats why we called it Lotus.", Jett whispered in awe.

,,Focus guys! We dont know where the enemy is hiding. Lets find Astra and Harbor.", Sage loaded her phantom.

Omen kindly pushed you towards the other agents that were already leaving.

,,Lets come back here once we gave this island its peace back. Come!", he looked at you before following the team.

You took another deep breath before running after them, the cold metal of the Vandal in your hands ready to kill anyone trying to hurt your mates.

Blood Rush || Valorant FFOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz