- 16 - the urge to kill

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*authors pov*

The golden gun in chambers hands seemed heavier than usual. His eyes were fixed on the cave behind the spike, waiting for enemies to peek his sniper.

,,I got one. Only three left. Someone start defusing or we all die here.", Neons voice came through comms.

Viper followed the instructions and set up her smokes before she started to defuse. Kayo was fighting against one far away in mid while Chamber was still holding his angle.

Phyllis footsteps came closer. She was breathing heavily.

,,Protect Viper!", Chamber shouted, giving away his attention for a second. But this second was enough for the enemy to avoid the sniper.

He missed his shot and Omen got time to pull out his rifle. Right behind him- Jett.

,,Where is Neon?!"

The blue haired girl was laying unconsious behind a rock of the cave after her suit getting damaged in a fight with Jett.

Kayo wouldnt make it in time, Chamber got blocked off by smoke the moment he tried to rearrange his sniper and Viper couldnt let go of the defuser.

Phyllis eyes met the eyes of her enemies. They didnt know her abilities yet-
Her gaze fell on the Radianite boxes right behind Viper, inside the pyramids. It was a stupid idea but she wont have enough power for this move without the glowing stone.

,,One...two...three.", she whispered, before she broke the glass beside Viper and getting her hands on the Radianite.

You dont have a choice. Keep your mind focused.

With these thoughts in mind, she took the toxic stone, activated her gift and let it go down her throat.

Vipers and Chambers screams were ignored.

Her pupils were glowing in a dark red for just a second. The veines on her body turned black and for a moment she thought she lost control because her mind got so clouded before she lost consiousness and fell down.

Seconds later blood covered Vipers body. But it wasnt her own-
Nothing more than blood stains were left from the fakes of Jett and Omen.

Viper was used to cruel sights but this scene seemed so obscene.

The moment she finished defusing the black haired woman went to check on Phyllis.

,,What a blood bath. These clothes are ruined.", Chambers eyes wandered over the battlefield- or what was left from it.

,,Of course you worry more about clothes than your team.", Vipers voice seemed disgusted.

,,Non non, is she alright?", he kneeled down to check her pulse.

His face got serious.

,,She needs Sage- soon."

,,Get her up, Kayo, get Neon and hurry to the aircraft."

As soon as they left the city, Viper contacted the headquarters.

,,Is Sage back from her mission?"

,,Not yet. She should reach here around the same time as your team. Did something happen?", Killjoy asked over call.

,,Send her a message to hurry back. Phyllis needs urgent care."

,,I will contact her. What happenend to our little girl? Will she make it?...*mutters* it was only her first mission.", the german ingeneer seemed worried.

,,I dont know- I never saw this before.", the black haired woman turned around to look at the young Radiant.

Her jacket was off and they openend her shirt earlier to check her body for wounds, but all they found was this black mark in the middle of her chest...

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