- 13 - regret

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Your hands got sweaty, shaking a little. Your head was full of things you wanted to tell him but it was clear you would forgot most of it.

He followed you out of the HQ to the place where both of you first shared a conversation.

,,Omen listen-...", you started, standing in front of him.

But he spoke first, interrupting you:
,,It was my fault- I knew what this side in us can do and I underestimated it. I couldnt look you in the eyes. Its okay if you hate me because of it. I should have saved you from it."

,,I- Why would you say that- Its not your fault first of all and second- I could never hate you. Hate is such a strong word. I dont feel any hate towards you, Omen. Its the opposite. I felt very understood. Its like you were the only one I could relate to so I was kinda sad when you didnt came to train anymore. I felt less judged by you-", maybe you said too much but it felt right to tell him everything that you had in mind.

It became silent for a minute before the Shadow said something.

,,Its been a while since I heard words like that and I will be honest... I am sorry to see someone else crumble from the side effects of Radianite but I also felt understood for once. Everyone here has their story but no one could feel the exact pain I feel while seeing my own body drifting apart. No one but you. Im glad you came after me to talk."

You smiled and in your happy motivation you just stepped forward and gave the Agent a soft hug. It felt kinda weird, you could hear an abnormal heartbeat and his skin felt so fragile, almost as if he had none.

You stepped back, still smiling slightly.

,,Omen, you arent as bad as you think you are! Dont hate yourself. Its easy to say but even if you did horrible things in the past, you save lifes now and you suffered too much already."

You really had no clue what you did to Omen with these words. Its been a long time since he heard words like yours.
If he could smile, he would have smiled at you. He got reminded of someone- someone who had a similar character like yours- someone who left him long ago...

,,Come on, lets go inside and grab some food. I was so nervous I couldnt eat before.", you grabbed his arm lightly and dragged him inside.

The warmth which he felt in this moment was something he thought he already forgot long ago.

Maybe he would take a step back from the pitch black edge, if you take the lead...

...or maybe you would be the reason why he would drown in his darkness.

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