- 14 - mission one

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The next day Omen was gone for the scheduled mission.
But beside him a lot more agents were missing. Brim told you in the morning that there is more and more Radianite incidents where they need the Valorant protocols help to prevent Kingdom from attacking.

The HQs felt empty because of that.

,,Hey Phyllis, we need you!", startled by the sudden loud voice you turned around, looking at a blue haired woman.

,,Neon, whats up? Why would you need me?", knowing you were not ready for missions since you didnt master your skills completely, you werent expecting them to need you for anything serious.

,,Its super urgent. Get your battleuniform, we meet at exit 3 in five minutes. I'll explain everything there.", and with that nothing more than some sparks of electricity were left of her.

You had a bad feeling about this but you still ran to your room, got dressed in the improvised battle clothes KJ gave you- mainly for training purposes-, packed some things and ran to the exit Neon told you.

,,There you are! Come get in!", Neon held out her hand from the entrance of a starting aircraft. You took it and barely jumped on the closing luke.

,,What in heavens is happening? Did someone die?", you were nervous and confused on what was going on.

,,Everything is alright- well no but no one is dead...yet.", Neon fumbled with her words.

,,Ma cherie, you are scaring the poor girl. Dont worry darling, we need you to come with us for a really important mission over on a city named Breeze. Kingdom is planning on stealing its Radianite and destroy it together with its citizens.", Chambers voice was charming as always but not calming you down at the moment.

,,Why me? I didnt finish my training yet! Brimstone will kill me! Im not ready yet! What if I kill someone?!", your voice was shaking, thinking about when you went on rampage after being exposed to Radianite.

,,Thats why Kayo is here. He will surpress you in case something goes wrong. And Brimstone was the one who ordered us to take you to the mission since no one else was available. We will take care of you.", Vipers voice seemed cold as always, tho she meant what she said. No freshman would die under her watch.

So thats it...your first mission shall begin and additionally without any preparation made beforehand.

While the flight lasted, Viper tried to inform you about everything you needed to know. Your head was spinning from all the information.

The most important thing was to defuse the bomb, they named it spike, which would destroy the city while taking away all the Radianite.

,,Everyone of us has this device, you will use it to defuse the spike. There is only one button on here, so you cant go wrong. Got it?"

,,Yes. I think I understood everything.", you answered.

,,Good. Now last thing- you can use your powers to your liking, however I would advise you to rely on our guns. This whole process will be very exhausting and using our power weakens our body. Of course you will need your powers, just try to use them less. Kill your enemies with this.", ending her lecture, Viper gave you a gun- a Vandal to be exact.

The metal felt cold and heavy.

You knew how to use it, Brimstone was a tough teacher.

,,And remember- they are no real humans. Dont hesistate to kill.", her gaze gave you goosebumps.

,,Get ready! We are here!", Neon shouted from the cockpit.

As soon as the exit openend, you held your breath for a moment.

It was beautiful- a beach with blue water and palms was right in front of you.

,,No time for vacation Phyllis, come on mademoiselle.", Chamber grabbed his gun with his one hand and your arm with the other, dragging you out...

No coming back now, time to fight!

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