- 19 - behind the mask

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,,I want to give it my all. Im ready to sacrifice this life...because its no life anymore.", and with that Omen grabbed his hood, carefully removing the mask on his face.

You gasped.

One side of his face was marked by a big scar, glowing in this bright blue color. It was bizarre. You could see it reaching so deeply like there was nothing behind it...like his face was slowly vanishing and it would be just a matter of time.

,,Horrifying isnt it? Its devouring me- leaving nothing more than this empty darkness inside of me.", his raspy voice sounded sad but also guilty?

,,Its...pretty, more like I could look at your soul.", you whispered, giving him a light smile. In your eyes he was a handsome young man- nothing to hide. These injuries were part of his past he shouldnt be ashamed of. At least thats what you believed in at this point of time.

He looked at you, surprised.

,,I never got that reaction before. Unique, like you.", and thats when you heard him laugh for the first time ever. He looked so peaceful for a moment that it made you kinda...happy? You smiled. At this very moment you wished for the time to stop. The Valorant protocol gave you a second chance with life and you couldnt be more glad to recieve it.

Your hand reached for Omens face, your finger tips gently touching his cheek.

,,We'll protect everyone- I will protect you. You suffered enough, Omen.", you whispered.


A few days later

,,We need time to plan this more properly!"

,,We got no time, Sage. We should be on our way already but we are still standing here, discussing obvious things."

You were sitting beside Omen and Neon, watching Sage, Brim and Viper discuss the next mission. Apparently there was a huge Kingdom infestation in an unknown terrain on an island they called Lotus. It was difficult to reach because you could only travel underwater and with that it was super dangerous.

,,I think we should send a duo to gather info before we enter with a bigger group. We cant enter safely with our equipment risking the enemy to sit right in front of the entrance.", Skye stood up to state her point.

,,She is right. I suggest Harbor and me scouting the area. His power is basically water and I will make sure to keep us hidden with my ability.", Astra requested.

,,That sounds more like it. Thank you, you two. Brim and me will prepare the rest. Harbor, Astra, get ready and for the rest- I will message the participating agents for the main mission in a few hours. Be sure to rest til then. Thats it, enjoy your lunch guys.", Sage grabbed her papers and gave you all a smile before heading out.

,,Everyone looks worried. Is it gonna be that difficult?", you asked.

Killjoy, who was standing behind you, patted your shoulder: ,,Well its unknown terrain. Astra and Harbor will try their best to map the area but no one has been there yet so it will be really chaotic and more risky but I am sure we can manage."

,,You are the most positive person I know- I sense disaster. Im worried someone will get hurt.", Viper crossed her arms after she sat down beside you all.

,,We have Sage, right? She can res from the dead, thats what you all said. So why would we have to worry?", you asked clueless.

,,Sage has boundaries too you know. She isnt a god. Her abilities have limits. For example can she only get your body back from the dead within 3 minutes. Healing exhausts her and we cant forget the possibility of her getting hurt too.", Viper explained, making your worries go up.

So after all this wasnt as safe as you might have thought...

So now you just had to wait for the moment the participating agents would be messaged.

Will you be one of them?

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