- 7 - a reason

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After this lunchbreak you spend quite some time in an office. It was the grumpy old mans office and you had to sign a contract.

Most of the lines seemed like nonsense to you, but you got shy in his presence so you didnt ask any questions.

Even tho Sage gave you lots of stories about whats currently happening everywhere, you needed to see everything with your own eyes and explore all that.

For that matter you got a so called smartphone.
Its not like you didnt know what it is, but you never owned one before. Well...why would you? The past years of your life werent the best.

,,Thats it. You can leave now. And dont forget the training-contract."

You remembered what was written in it. You had to pass a certrain number of trainings and missions to be a full member of the Valorant protocol. The pressure felt surprisingly heavy on your shoulders.

You want to do everything right because if you couldnt stay here, you had no chance to find a new home. It was your only way of living a good life among people like you.

,,I wont forget it, Sir.", you answered and left the room.

You didnt realize he said something before you closed the door.

,,Call me Brim."


A sudden feeling of loneliness hits you while you walk down the corridor. These white walls gave you painful reminders and the silence ate up your inner self.

You trusted these people without questioning anything. And even tho you thought it was the right desicion, you would be proven wrong soon enough.

,,Anything is better than back there.", you whispered, not aware that someone was actually listening to you.

You found your way outside just to end up looking at the nightsky.

Its been so damn long since you saw the stars like that...in freedom.
You gasped from the sight.

,,Its wonderful, isnt it?"

The unfamilar voice scared you.
It came from the shadow behind you.
You remembered his name from Sage...

,,Omen it is?", you answered.

,,Indeed...is it your first time seeing the nightsky?", he asked you.

You couldnt read his emotions from his face because of his bizarre mask.

,,Recently yes. It feels so good right now."

,,I hope you can enjoy lots of beautiful sights from now on.", his deep voice  gave you goosebumps.

And then you smiled. After so many months of pain you could give this damn world an honest smile.

,,Your smile...keep it up. Whatever happens, never stop giving people an honest smile. It gives them hope.", he said.

His appearance stood in complete contrast with his words. You felt so warm right now.

,,So I gave you new hope just now?", you stated in a sarcastic tone.

Under his mask he chuckled. ,,Maybe."

Happiness flooded your inside.

Maybe its because you didnt had any bond to humans for a long time now, but you felt attached to him in a way. Same for Sage.
You didnt know them properly, but you wanted to hold onto them... you wanted them to save you from drowning in your thoughts.

,,You went through it too, am I right?", you looked at him while you asked.

,,I made it obvious, I guess...but yes, I did. Tho I think in comparison to you, it was kinda my own fault. I ended up like this because of my own actions. If I could redo it, I would have walked another path, but time cant be stopped. I need to live my life how it is... Valorant gave me a reason to keep going. I hope it can do the same for you.", with these words he left.

Tears kept falling down your cheeks.

,,Yes. Please give me a reason to exist."

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