- 21 - the mission²

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Authors note:

Before we start I wanted to give a short info of what Phyllis power can do so we can set a comparing scale with the game characters:

C - Needles of Blood: deals around 40 damage when hit and in eyesight of Phyllis

E - Healing Blood: she can restore the shield the agent had before the round (no hp of the life bar)

Q - Crystal slow: she will crystalize the blood of the enemy while in eyesight, slowing the enemy for 3 seconds

X - Bursting: when enemy within a 40 meter range and in her eyesight, she can make the enemies blood vessels burst, dealing damage continuously til eye contact breaks or enemy dies, she cant move while using her ult

Her biggest weakness following these infos is breaking her eye contact with hiding behind whatever or if she doesnt see an enemy from the start.

Please mark that this is a fanfic and fiction as the name says. We want an interesting story so dont take the powers too serious.


The silence gave you chills. It felt like something was about to happen any second.

The birds stopped chirping a while ago. The deeper you entered this place full of ruins the quieter it got.

Sage signals to split into teams as the path was splitting into three.

She pointed towards you and then to herself, telling you to follow her.

Jett went with Neon, leaving Omen and Skye for the last right path.

You looked at Omen until his silhouette vanished behind a wall.

,,Come, lets go.", Sage whispered, getting your attention.

You followed the chinese woman silently, focusing on your surroundings.

,,Astra, Harbor, you copying?", Sage was trying to contact them ever since you all came here but the terrain made it hard and no one responded yet.

,,I hope they are alive.", Sage said, looking really worried. She was about to turn left but you suddenly pulled her back, taking out your gun.

Two pairs of footsteps were coming closer fast. You took a breath before peeking around the corner. Astras face was right in front of your gun, startling her and alarming Harbor who was right behind her. He aimed at you with his rifle. You saw the green bandage marking them as allies on their equipment and lowered your gun.

,,Phyllis?! Its you!", Astra seemed kinda relieved but still stressed.

Sage stepped behind you.

,,We were worried. Its good to see you both fine...more alive. What happened?", she was referring to Harbor, who seemed roughed up at a closer look. His leg was bleeding and Astra had a few scratches too.

,,Come in here, let me see that Harbor.", Sage went behind a wall in the next area beside you and started healing Harbors wound.

,,Let me help you then.", you looked towards Astra, kinda scared of her reaction to what was coming. Whenever you used that skill, people would be disgusted or afraid of you but the life of your mates are more important right now.

You both kneeled down and you cut your finger with your knife.

The blood started flowing and you touched Astras hand. The tattoos on your arms started glowing as you guided the blood to restore Astras armor vest, filling the bullet holes with the blood and then hardening it.

,,Damn kid, what kinda voodoo was that?", Harbor seemed amused as everyone looked at you now.

,,Im surprised but thank you. Thats so cool!", Astra was touching her bodyparts in awe.

,,Good job. Now lets leave. We are in a bad position.", Sage took her Phantom and left their little hiding spot.

You followed her, not being able to hide your smile.

It was a good feeling seeing people actually respecting your power and not calling you a weird monster.

While everything seemed to be just going alright for you four, things started to get messy for the others...


*pov change*


,,We spotted the intruders. They are using green bandages this time. We can continue with the plan.", the voice said through the walkie talkie.

,,Good. Its your turn then, Phyllis.", the person was grinning, while grabbing the green bandage and handing it to a young woman standing in the shadow of the door.

,,Time to show me your acting skills."

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