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I live in a realm, where ghosts and humans coexist peacefully. Ghosts being quite alike humans, do their daily chores, they eat, sleep, drink, fight, have sex, go to schools, earn money and commit crimes. Most necessarily, the question arises where lies the difference between ghosts and humans. Well it's a very common, and the most sacred, i.e., touch. Touch is non-existent for them unless and until the human is the cause of their death or the ones they are attached to from their previous life and all of 'em have green eyes. Afraid of the reason that a person might be involved in the ghost's death, the humans usually ignore them, well most of them do.

When a person dies, they leave this world and become the part of the "otherworld" which we are still unaware of because the ones who went never returned, but the ones who had a strong urge to do something, unfulfilled they became ghosts. They will then have to change all their documents under the government in the ghost's class. Nothing much changes except the fact that they are ignored like freaking ants by the humans. Ghosts usually accompanies ghosts whether they are school friend's office colleges, etc. There are some cases when humans and ghosts are together but that is rare.

Well that being said, I was a human too. But due to an accident, which I do not remember, I died. I do not even remember what I was doing before the accident occurred nor the reason that holds me in this life. I mean what is left in this world now, what could it have been that stopped me from resting in peace all eternity. So, my file has been placed under unusual section, a section where ghosts, who do not remember most of their pasts, the reason of their death or the reason why they became ghost. In my case it is the latter two.

"RI!" a voice so loud to rupture the ear drums of any human being, my best friend's lovely voice rang in my ears. By the way I am Rika and Keren calls me Ri. " I mean isn't Rika short enough for you?" This question will haunt me in my afterlife too.

"Ri, awe I missed you so much." she tried to hug me. And most intriguingly while leaning to my side and coming closer she lost her balance and stumbled. Haha! "My soul-less body won't provide mass to have enough warmth". "Please start getting a hang of it bub".

"I was in the registration office for only half an hour." To re-register my name under ghosts' section.

"But it felt like ages" Keren pouted. Sigh! At least she is back to normal. She was the one cried the most when I died and was happy the most when she saw me as a ghost.

"Come on let's pick your uniform , today they were going to give you the books and dress." yeah I forgot to mention I transferred schools because the school in which I was studying only took in humans, a normal small school nothing fancy, but now I have to transfer to a school which provides for both humans and ghosts . There are only few prestigious schools like that which only some rich hot shots are able to pay for as a human, but as you see I am a ghost and these school show some charity to the ghosts so that we can afford studying too. Lucky me?

"I am so excited that we will be going to the same school again!" Keren squealed in a low pitch voice. She is always excited about every little thing.

"How unfortunate can I get now." I rolled my eyes. She rewarded me with a mocking punch and I chuckled. Keren and I are childhood friends we used to go to same elementary school and held our hands to the same middle school. But she transferred to this rich rich high school due to her mother marrying into a rich family. Now she goes to this Phoenix High with her step siblings.

It was a tough time for her. I guess accepting a new family all of a blue is quite overwhelming. She still hides her feelings behind her extra cheerful smile, for her mother's happiness. I still remember how she cried like a baby when she got to know that her mom is getting re-married. Her dad left them all alone when she was in middle school, leaving Keren and her mom devastated.

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