CHAPTER 10: Worries

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It has been 2 days. Two freaking days since Ri went missing. Every night it's difficult to sleep and I regret to wake up in the morning with my pillows soaked in tears, because Ri is not here, she's somewhere alone. It hurts, I'm afraid. What if I lose her again? What if I never meet her again? With every hour passing my heart keeps plummeting down to my stomach. I already lost her once. Please not again.

"You should eat something Keren." My mom said cooing in my ears consoling me.

"You have not eaten anything properly; it has been two days. You should at least try to swallow some food down. Right now, Rika needs your strength, you should not be down." Mom keeps trying to make me eat since last two days but nothing goes down my throat. I keep vomiting almost everything I eat and my heart feels so heavy that I have lost my appetite.

"Keren, everything will be alright everyone is trying their best." Emilia said making her way to my bed. Surprisingly Emilia has been looking out for me since Ri went missing, she updates me on every report on Ri.

Goma, Mr Adkins, Zach everyone is trying to find Ri without rest from the last two days. Every time they come back after searching all the possible places related to the case, Emilia comes and reports me because I rarely leave my room now. I'm so useless, I don't have anything in my power to help them, while they are doing so much for Ri who was a stranger to them not more than a week ago.

Ri's dad and sister also frequent my house to get all the updates on her case. Her brother was not able to come on such a short notice because no flight was available, I think he'll be coming here as soon as possible because he was the one who cherished Ri the most.

It was then when I heard the sound of our car parking near my house. Without giving it a second thought my feet carried me towards the sound. I wanted to know if they found Ri, I wanted to know if Ri was alright, I wanted to know, so I ran. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me. I ran through the corridors, skipped down the stairs that opened into the main hall.

"We still don't know where she is." Tristan said.
My feet stopped short. I was standing on the steps but they still haven't noticed me. They still haven't found her yet? My heart skipped a beat.

"I don't know where else to look." The police said sighing.
"What do you mean you don't know where to look? Isn't it your job to find the missing?" Zach's voice boomed in the silence as he grabbed the police man from his collars.

"What can we do? I think the Freaks are involved in this." The police said trying to find an excuse.

"Zach, calm down." Mr. Adkins said. Calm down? How can you? I thought. You'll calm down because Ri is not your blood and family? You know what I think they are not trying enough.
Blood was rising to my brain, I couldn't think straight any more. I think they are not even serious about finding Ri. Hah! Of course, why would they be serious.

I couldn't stand this anymore. I picked up my pace and went straight to Goma with large steps.
"You were with her the last time before she went missing." I accused jabbing my fingers at him.
"What the hell where you doing?" I shouted. I can't take this anymore. Why does it have to be Ri why her?

" You know what could happen if a ghost is caught by a bunch a Freaks like you, don't you?" I spat the word Freaks out as if it was a cuss, I noticed Zach flinch at this.
"Keren I think that's enough." Emilia said as she and mom came into the main hall following me.
"Yeah it's enough. Why won't it be? Because it was Ri who got kidnapped not him." I pointed at Goma.

"I'm sure if it was him, they would have found out who the hell was behind all this by now." Now my eyes were burning, my head filled with rage, my whole body was buzzing with adrenaline rush.

"Keren go back to your room, we'll find her soon." Mr Adkins said sternly. Hah of course how can I forget. I laughed a little.

"Of course, why would you all be serious? Why would you all be serious for SOME RANDOM GIRL WHO IS SIMPLY A FRIEND OF YOUR UNWANTED STEP DAUGHTER." I shouted at Mr Adkins.

"KEREN." Mom shouted gasping covering her mouth with her hand.

"I think that's enough from you." Goma finally said something. All this time he had his head down listening to me and everyone. Now that he looked into my eyes, I noticed how sad and sunken his eyes where it looked like he hadn't slept for two days nor has eaten anything.

Realisation dawned on me that it's not only me who is worried sick for Ri. Her dad, siblings and now I think Goma too are more worried than I can think but they didn't show it.

With this I couldn't hold my tears back any more, hot bullets of tears sprang up and rolled down my cheeks, my throat was clogged up and my breath was ragged. I have never cried in front of anyone.
"Please bring her back." I sobbed clinging onto Goma.

"Please.....hic ...hic.... please I don't wanna loose her again." I kept on crying shamelessly clinging to Goma's shirt.
Goma patted my head.

"Please I beg you." I pleaded with everything I had.
"Keren." Zach grabbed my shoulders and pulled me to him. I buried my face in his broad shoulders as I cried. He encircled his arms around me and kept on saying soothing words in my ears to calm me down, while slowly patting my head with one of his hand.

"It's all because of me Zach, all because of me I left her first." I cried more blaming myself.
"Sshhh it's okay." Zach whispered into my ears.
His fresh scent of cologne soothed me and calmed me down.

After some time the atmosphere cooled down one of the men from the back said.
"If only the ghost department from police can hurry and send us the coordinates."

"What coordinates?." I asked
"To find the missing the Ghost department uses ghost as a medium and find their exact location." The man explained.

"But we have not heard from the headquarters even though this case is filed under the name of the Adkins." Another butted in.

"I called my dad, he said that he thinks some organization is messing with the Government, so we cannot trust them fully." Zach said looking at me, searching my face as if to know if I'm boarding well. Even though the action melted my heart enough to kiss him, we still have an important matter at hand.


Everything is a mess. How can I leave Rika like that alone? Why did I do it!! These questions still haunt me. The number which called me cannot be traced. The call was from a burner phone, 'come save me, help me.' was the only thing I could hear from the other side of the call, so I went out to get some clear network connection. Haah I sighed. That was the only mistake I made. I should have taken Rika with me. I don't know when I started feeling like this towards her, but the sleepless nights filled with worries about how and where she is and this feeling like someone is clawing my heart out gave me enough hints that Rika is more than important to me now.

"I called my dad, he said that he thinks some organization is messing with the Government, so we cannot trust them fully." Zach said.

I knew this whole thing was a set up from the beginning. We were played by someone and that too a mastermind. It will be tough dealing with this organisation now that it is linked with the Government.

"I'll do it." Tristan said.
"Wait what?" Emilia questioned shocked from his response.
"You know what will happen if you get caught using your ghost psychic power, before you get your license?" Emilia reminded him. Yeah, it'll be dangerous if he gets caught not to say he is still 17 and he is still in practice if something happens his life can be in danger.

"No, I'll do it. I have always been dependent on others I can't any more. I want to be of some use. Even in the orphanage I was the only one who's still here because I was useless. I couldn't help anyone. And now that I am a ghost. I want to be of some use." Tristan said his eyes assertive, unmoving.

Yeah, he was at an orphanage before he became a ghost and when he was 15 the orphanage caught fire. Everyone died in that accident and some became Ghost like Tristan. Later he was adopted into a rich family who is in partnership with us, the Adkins. That's how I came to know him when we went on a family dinner over to the Collins, for a contract.

"So let me do it!" Tristan exclaimed.

"Alright ", my dad sighed giving in to him "but we'll have to brush this under the rug. No one except the Adkins and Collins should have any knowledge of this. Not even the girl's father or family should be involved in this." Dad said.

Tristan nodded.
"OK I have to be in a place where Rika spends her time the most." Tristan said.
"That would be her house I guess her room is where she spends most of her time", Keren said promptly even before letting him complete. She could not wait any more to get a clue to where Rika is.

"Then let's go there but we'll have to make an excuse we cannot involve the Lestrange in this mess. It can become dirty anytime soon." Dad strictly gave directions about how and what we were going to say to Rika's family.

We all drove to Rika's house except Emilia she said she'll look after Verda, while Dad called and explained things in his own ways to Mr Lestrange.
Her house was not that big just a one storey house with an attic.
"Welcome Mr Adkins." Rika's dad guided us in to what resembled a small hall room with a cute sofa set.

I still feel miserable, my head thumped with blood at the thought of Rika being in danger.
" I think no one is to blame because I was the one who forced her to go in the first place." Mr Lestrange said that his eyes were dull without life. It looked like life has taken so much from him that he is going to give up soon.

"So, you are the Bastard who left my sister alone right before she went missing. Huh?" A young man not more than 3 years older than me stood in front with his arms crossed looking down on me .
I raised one of my eyebrows in a quizzical way and stared at him, without replying, even though his body was more built up and he looked as if he would punch the hell out of me, I still refused to be intimidated by him. I know I am somewhat guilty and blame myself for this whole mess, but I ain't letting just anyone bitch about me.

"Ramel stop it, you glaring at a him won't bring our Rika back." A lady reprimanded him, she looked devastated too, her eyes looked like she had been crying like crazy for days. A man beside her, held her as if supporting the lady.
"Sorry for not introducing this young lad is my son Ramel and she's my daughter Casey and her husband." Rika's dad introduced us. Looks like her full family is here, except her mom whom I heard died a year ago.

"Oh, please acting like you aren't angry Casey. This is the boy who invited our Rika to that damned party." Ramel fumed again. This little hunk of shi .... Stop Goma you shouldn't curse Rika's brother. I avoided myself from cursing him even though I was doing it in my mind.

He's literally ticking me off though.
Ugh can't he do this blaming crap after Rika is found & save?

"If not for him Rika would have been with us right now instead of who knows where and how." He shouted while taking large steps towards me as if to punch me. Haaah I'm tired I guess I'll just take a punch it is my fault in a way so just a punch and be over with it.

But to my surprise something strange happened, Keren came and stood in front of me.
"Stop right there Ramel." Keren said defending me. Ramel stopped short and now his attention was fully on Keren, I think she took him by surprise because his pupils dilated a bit and it took him a moment before he regained his composure.

"Move out of my way Keren." His voice was softer, although he said to move out his eyes were locked with Keren searching for something. Maybe I'm reading too much into the situation. I looked over at Zach, and of course he was calm as he always is but his eyes were squinted as he looked from Keren to Ramel.

" I would not do this if I were you!! It's not time for you to show how much of a hot-blooded person you always have been. We have to locate Ri as soon as possible." Keren said trying to keep her voice devoid of any emotions.

Then she walked across held Tristan's hands through his long-sleeved shirt and pulled him towards the staircase.
"Come-on I'll show you Ri's room." She said without wasting any time. Ramel ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and sighed, then left after eyeing me one last time.

This reminded me of what happened in our house earlier, this was the first time my sister asked me for something. Even though she doesn't yet acknowledge me as her brother neither did I ever bother to think about her, but it was only possible through Rika that we started talking like normal human beings. I'm gonna give my everything to find her.

Sooooo verry sooorrry for such a late post !! I have no excuse for keeping my one or two readers waiting.... because even if it's one of you, you matter!!
We'll try to be as punctual as possible from now onwards keep looking forward to more drama and action filled scenes in Blue Scarf !! ~Aye 

We owe you all apologies. But we are really sorry guys. Both of us got really got stuck.Forgiveeee please :/ ~ Stu  

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