CHAPTER 20: Amigos

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"Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pale of water"

The noise and the hubbub of the class of 15 ceased. A face of bewilderment spread over all faces as Rowl ceased the noise of the class with a nursery rhyme. Well, he wasn't joking. He was pretty determined by the look on his face.

"You all remember this nursery rhyme. Don't you?", Rowl spoke as he cleared his throat.


The class roared with a storm of questions and replies like "Yes, we do!", "Oh what a stupid thing to ask","Yes Sir ofcourse".

"Abrabda....galleba", Rowl made a funny nod with his face.

"What?", the class retorted loudly.

"Exactly! Speak one by one. I have powers, but not the ability to deduce meaning when so many of you speak together".

Rowl lifted his leg and sat half on the bench, with his one leg hanging and his hands folded.

"Class, Jack and Jill went up the hill together because both of them had a common task to do", he lifted his brows and calmed his aura as he indulged the class into his story. Normally, students would have bashed the teacher for teaching or discussing a nursery rhyme. But, Rowl is an exception. He is an impactful public speaker with an attention-binding personality that adds up to his bass soothing voice. Though he only knew to create illusions with his eyes, he was proven to sway earth off people's feet with his story-telling skills.

"Students, it was a common task that helped them become a team together. A goal that was the foundation of their friendship. Don't get carri......"

"Who knows? Jack and Jill could be friends even before. I am telling you guys this guy is fooling around with us. Who the hell discusses Jack and whatever in 1st year? ", the volleyball boy smirked with his usual attitude of not giving a damn

Entire class looked towards him. They all looked furious in their eyes. Observing him,no favors on his side, he just lifted the blazer over his face and then class resumed to look towards Rowl.

"C'mon boy! Why are you getting furious? But Drake, perhaps....ummm", Rowl reached out to grab his notebook on the farther end of the bench and threw it in the direction of Drake.

"You might like that. Go on and have a look while I narrate this to my other 9 students who might be interested here" Rowl only winked and smiled as the boy caught the notebook which missed Rika only by an inch.

"Yeah coming back to Jack and Jill, boys and girls. Life could be interesting if we have a goal. There are small achievements in the direction of the goal, which we call milestones. In this life, we meet people who become an intricate part of the journey. They are very crucial for one's life", and Rowl lost for a second while he said these and let out air from his nose.

Never have Phoenix High's classroom been so silent except when they were empty. The class of 9 excluding Drake, fixed their eyes towards this lean structure wearing an eye patch leaning on the bench. No he had not made any illusion for them, he was just speaking words that illusion-ed their attention towards him. Rowl had magic in his voice that was proven. But the words that left his lips made a much more impact on the young skin. It's an art and he was a very good artist.

"These people are called friends. But friends are for normal lives right? Friends are in the lives of Ghosts and Humans'', he spoke softly.

He left contact with the bench and started strolling up and down the aisle continuing, "But as I told you, the lives of Freaks are dedicated to the government.", He simply broke the flow of his speech. Looked more attentive. Putting a bar to the emotions that seemed to be coming from his heart, but the audience was still paying heed to every one word he said. Except, of course, the boy who was living parallelly in the room, indulged in his own thoughts with the pen and notebook from Rowl.

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