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Last night, the Phoenix High 1st years were divided into different divisions according to their status, i.e, Freaks, Humans, Ghosts and the special division of 10 Freaks. They would now be given activities accordingly. And they are supposed to complete within the three days of the trip.

Majority of people were Humans then Ghosts and the ones with the least majority were Freaks due to their uniqueness. The 4th division consisted of students that Rowl taught so automatically they were assigned to him.

After waking up early in the morning with the sun, Rika and her classmates followed Rowl to the forest nearby after crossing the yard behind.

Last night, Rika regained her composure and decided not to tell anyone about the scarf. The forest was not that deep nor mysterious as they thought it might be because it was specially reserved for them as a training area by the government. They walked deeper and deeper into the forest, following Rowl and chatting among themselves. But it was so shallow and had very little trees that they could still see their cabin if they turned around.

After reaching a certain distance Rowl finally broke his oh-so-surprising-silence and said "I guess this much is enough." And before anyone could ask anything he waved his hand in the air.

The scenery began to change. Zach and Goma felt a Deja Vu because they had been in an illusion before but it was not of this level. They didn't even have a pinch of doubt that the forest they had been walking though it was not reality.

Rika gawked with her eyes wide open as the before shallow forest slowly started changing. Even Drake, (the volleyball boy) who was following them last uninterested, became attentive as they found themselves in a dark, deep and dense forest.

The sun was just rising but whatever light they could get from it was blocked by those never ending tall trees, one could even hear the sounds of howling far away. Goma instinctively came in front of Rika "Stay with me." He said holding her hand.

His big hand enveloped hers and gave her a sense of warmth and security which made her relax a little.

"Isn't this supposed to be a tourist spot? Why do I hear animals?" The pink haired girl asked.

"Of Course Ms Gracey it is a tourist spot, but not this forest. The before version was the illusion I created and the people outside will still view it like that. But this is it's true nature.

Animals cannot leave these forest because of protection provided by the government, as they use it as a training ground for the Freaks, And are these animals hungry? Yes they all are carnivorous." Rowl explained.

"How can you jeopardize our lives like this?" Alex asked as most of them flinched at slightest sounds of wind, water and howling of animals.

"Your life was for the government to begin with." Rowl reminded again.

"So what are we to do here? Are you responsible for our safety?" A deep green hair girl

asked. Her hair looked almost black due to lack of sunlight in the middle of the forest.

"No no! Ms Leona'' Rowl denied shaking his head. "I'm not in charge of your safety. This is

your project or rather to see if you are capable of protecting the government. You have to

survive three days here and come out alive the third day as survivors. Your task is to kill

those supposed animals that were created by the government specially for this batch. Don't

worry considering your job at the government this is the easiest task they could give.

Fighting people who have powers and brains are more dangerous than fighting these

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