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"Like I said. You have to finish your whole breakfast, no excuses." Casey reprimanded me.
"You have to regain your strength. So eat it all up." She continued when I groaned about breakfast that was supposed to be for 3 people and was served to me, 'to gain my strength'.

"Casey I'm alright I woke up yesterday but I feel as good as new right now." I pursued her in order to get some pancakes out of my plate. Dad, Casey and her husband Blaike were at the table with us having breakfast. Casey has been here since the day I went missing, worrying everyday, without proper sleep. Even though I scolded her for doing so because she is 3 months pregnant, she didn't keep her calm. Ramel was here too but after I came to consciousness yesterday, he left for his University as his exams are coming up.

I woke up yesterday, a week after the incidents. I was sure I was gonna die. My life force was used at a very large scale when they wanted me to predict their future after gaining Salvan youth. No matter how much I want to forget about this nightmare, even a mention about it gives me chills.

I definitely thought that I was going to die but then I felt warmth on my lips. It was sweet yet salty, like tears, it was filled with what one would call 'love' and passion and care and worries.

A day before....

All of a sudden I woke up to a dark room with a single ceiling lamp illuminating the middle of the room. It was damp and small like a cell. I was wondering about whether I died or not, or things like if I'm in hell or heaven. Did I reach the otherworld? Where is mom? Wherever it was I was hoping it would not be hell!! But it nowhere looks like what I heard about heaven. Hicc.....sob....I heard someone's hiccups from one corner.

"Who is there?" I asked and was greeted with no response. I took nervous steps towards the source of sound and to my utter surprise found a small boy crouching in the corner cradling his face in his hands. Oh gosh what now? Is this human trafficking? I'm not dead yet? Am I being sold somewhere? Random thoughts crossed my mind.
I carefully knelt down beside the boy and asked again "Are you okay? Who are you? Where is this place?" To this the boy looked up and my throat clogged and my heart beat took up a notch. I was sure I'm not mistaken because the boy looked so much like Goma, his puffy cheeks were stained with tears and dust. I had this sudden urge to take all his pain away to wipe away his tears and comfort him.

He looked up to me and said "I don't want to do it. I didn't do anything."
I didn't know when but found myself crying too, tears rolled down my cheeks as I gasped hearing the pain filled voice of Goma.

I didn't know what happened to him or why he was there, why he was crying. I just hugged him tight, enveloping him into my arms, because that was the only thing I could do to lessen his pain. But as soon as I touched him, he disappeared and the room dissolved into nothingness and then I woke up in my room. This was all yesterday.

"What will you do about your hair?" Blaike asked, jerking me back to reality.
"I think I'll dye it brown again." Even though my hair was not brown nor blonde, something in between, nonetheless I answered him by twirling my white strands of hair. Due to excessive loss of my life force some strands of my hair streaked white.

"But I think it looks good on you." Casey pouted thinking. I chuckled. She always does that while thinking.


Blaike's phone rang, he excused himself, then came back and whispered something to Casey then gently placed a hand on her belly and said "Take care". He then left after kissing her. When my father inquired curiously, she said that he had it coming for pending up his work on the days he was off duty.

Whelps I guess I am a little responsible for that, I thought shyly.

"When are they going to remove bandages from my left eye?" I asked, grazing my fingers slightly over my left eye, it itches sometimes.
"The doctor said it'll take time. I just hope your eyes are alright." My dad answered with worry marrying his already tired face. I really gave him a lot of trouble, sigh... I too hope that my left eye doesn't go blind.

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