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As, Goma placed his large hand over my wrist, he said out in a deep, bass voice, "RUNN" and the troop followed. All four of us, ran past the cubicle classrooms, and silent corridors as expected, because it was the 4th period after recess and evereyone was attending their respective classes except us. We left behind the student canteen, which was buzzing in the noon sunshine, the dull grey-painted staffroom and the I could feel the wind splashing on my cheeks as moved forward. We, turned right to take the stairs when I caught a glimpse of Goma. The edge of his face had a riff, which deepened when he smiled. He felt so edible right there, but I remembered to behave. The marble stairs disappeared and we were now walking down the wooden cases and they clanked sporadically as four boots thudded on them. We reached the basement of Pheonix High, which wasn't frequented by commoners, and the nostril tried to suck in air, but was denied by our laughing and giggling.

"That was close", Keren said.

"Did you see Professor Hillary's face. He stood still thinking he would hold us by our collar", I laughed.

"...but we still have a winner. No one can beat Zach's blank face. LMAO", Goma said. Zach didn't seem to appreciate this remark. He SHRUNK his eyes, pulled hi brows in, and titled his face sideways giving Goma a blunt look.

"Laugh it off mate", Goma giggled.

The neighborhood smelled damp. Shabby lighting, poor wooden furniture and the grey paint with settled sheet of dust on the walls made the surrounding indecent. But amidst the pale and cheesy environment, was a door that caught all the attention.

A dark brown well-polished gateway made out of old oak, with carvings of modern illustrations seemed to lead to something happening. I later realized that it was more of a creative strategy to implement the boring setting of neighborhood so as to enhance the overall effect of a visitor. The chandelier dropped soft crimson serenity over the metal board whose engraved words read

 "Soy Libre" 

in spanish, that meant "I am free", the captions itself entranced me, luring me in with curiosity.

I have heard of this place from Keren. She always told how an Elites of this school went to this club. "What a privilege to be an Elite Huh? You could step in and escape school. How privileged? ", she cribbed always. It never bothered me much but I was always curious about it. "Stay here for a moment . I'll be right back", Zack told Goma. And he strolled right into the door. I stepped up on my toes to figure out what's happening inside. Too bad, there was already a marble hiding the happenings of the inside.

I slid my eyes to look towards Goma and bumped into a question. "Why can't I go inside? "." Duh! Who said that to you lady? ", he answered and started walking to the lane on the right of soy libre. Keren followed.

" Keren always told me..... ".I got a good kick from her right after this.And I glanced back to see her frowning face."Ahhh! I mean nobody I know, visited here."Turning around, sliding his hands inside his pockets of nicely fitting pants, he started walking backwards.

"You can visit there too, but all you need to do is have a company of an Elite group", he completed his sentence with a dimply smile and a wink. Though I felt like flirting back, but I was drawn back by a more important question. "Why didn't you take us today? ", I asked. "Because me and Goma have a little work to do now", Zack emerged from behind. "Right my boy. You are learning fast. Aren't you? ", Goma teased as he put his arms around Zack's shoulder. Zach chose not to say but his eyes and expressions told otherwise. We didn't notice much when the dorky passage met the common playground and when Goma turned around to say, "So here we leave you ladies".

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