CHAPTER 3: Killer Who?

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Those two mean words towards that ungrateful lady, swiftly untied the grumpy knot. I stacked to the ground on my knees and smiled. Keren and her favourite sport of keeping a blank, straight face. Ughh! Her balled up eyes and purposely hardly pressed lips and zipping them tight together makes altogether an amusing face that anyone would burst out laughing. Yeah! She is that friend with whom one eye contact would ruin the serious zing of the air.

In normal human life, 20 pairs of eyes would turn to see what on heavens the two odd girls are attempting to do. But ghost life comes it with own set of perks. Keren being with me appreciates them as well. Ha-ha! I was totally engaged with this futile giggling. While I was on the ground enjoying my bit, I realized I was completely disregarded a new voice.

I heard a grin and saw a rustic bronze blond hand that bore earthy platinum sphere. A hand that introduced itself to help me come on my feet. I rose my eyes and saw this figure of 5'11. The sun reflected hard on his sharp, edgy cheekbone which was visibly covered with chocolaty-shaded beard. Though his hair was tied in a neat knot behind, some of his brown-black locks was disturbing his mysterious, beady grey eyes and leaned to his prominent jawline.

Blue turtleneck defining his chest, a magenta overcoat paired with grey bottoms never felt so appealing. The human me would die for the crush that I developed for the person who just lent out a hand to me, in mere two second. G-lettered locket clinging around his neck made me feel jealous.

"You getting up or not", said this strange boy.

And I gazed around to see that the sky had turned pink. The small orbs of snow flake smeared his brown wrinkled lips, being of perfect use. The choir frequent to that road, very unlikely, played gay and graceful "Holistic Fondness". As he knelt down, I felt his palm reaching my waist. His hand pressed against my waist as his lips tried to reach my forehead. I have never felt alike before. I looked into those eyes that spoke more than it should. It had stories untold. He was fixing his... And these thread of thoughts was disturbed by Keren's, "Wait! What are you doing here"?

"Hehe boy", I chuckled. This was too dreamy to be true I summed up.

"How long are you planning to sit there like that", he said and smirked.

"May I?", he asked in a completely poised tone. Soft, subtle, gentle, treat to ears. His 2 lettered statement swelled with chivalry. Blood rushed all over my face and I knew I would have my face peachy. To avoid blushing, I immediately nodded in surety. He held my hand at ease and traced his fingers through my front locks which were loosely braided. This time, he made sure I blush in complete redness. Moments of gazing into his weirdly expressive eyes which felt more familiar than it should have been, I gave a Thank-You smile. And oddly to the behaviour, he gave me a grin. And I felt that I needed two pats. Not on my back but on my cheeks.

Because my mind was again creating illusions. And very rightly, the ghost me knew the truth that this life had for me. Hence, I completely ignored this idea and tried to suppress my surging feelings and uttered something which my shy human self, would rather die but won't say. "Well, Mr. Hottie you still haven't noticed? Or are pretending? Not to? I don't know which, but I am a ghost", I stated.

Folding my legs my eyes we're drawn towards his bracelet that shone so hard in sunlight that it hurtled my eyes before properly imaging it. Under the rough beams, a soft, tender and warm touch caught my wrist and lifted me up.

I stood on my foot. The buzz and commotion of the street seemed to cease away. Furthermore, the thunder of the inquiries and consistent questions of him murdering me or him being engaged in the same, not only killed my emotions for him but also raged hatred through my veins. The fury flared so fast and so loud, that it curbed the noise of the surrounding. I looked up to his face, unable to comprehend what just happened here and said it straight.

"HOW DID YOU KILL ME?", I said. I thought I would sound heavy, but it came out simple and subtle without any layers. The ghost life did take away some of my normal capabilities like aggression, sleep in general. And on a bigger view, the zeal to live life for little things. Now that I had all the time to stare at the void that life had for me, I lived just to find the reason of my death and the killer and as to my did I reincarnated as ghost. The accident made my memories so bleak that forget joining the dots. I have even lost those dots. But this thought was broken by Keren's laughter.

"How do you know him?", I inquired in utter disgust.

"This tall, young man Rika, is unfortunately my step-brother, Goma Adkins", she said.

"How.....", I was interrupted by Keren's, "And I would be the last person to take his side, but he's innocent." She sounded defensive.

Was she too involved in my murder? Is there something they're hiding from me? Why was I chosen for this deceit? Several relevant and irrelevant questions raced my mind and they collided with such a thud that it sent vibrations across my body and I felt, as if my dead heart started beating again. Followed by searing pain in my head, various images crossed my eyes so fast that that I almost felt nauseous. Nobody felt mine and nothing felt right. Bearing another word about this whole situation wasn't in plate. I gazed at Goma's eye finding my answers, but I left in disappointment and unheard all my name calls.

I had two things to look forward to. Number 1 was to find the truth of Keren and Goma. Collect all the evidences and prepare myself to make a promising and convincing file against Goma. But this required me to attend my school and so we come to our requirement Number 2. I had to go to the "Uniforms for deforms" to buy the school supplies.

I headed to the store which was in North-East. And on my way, I stopped at the "Waffle and Cones". A tiring and disappointing day called for something better. Hardly had I placed my order, the shop owner came to me and said, "We are closing early today in call of an emergency. We are sorry ma'am". It was a bad day already and I didn't want to mess up anymore. "Okay. Please keep updating the board outside", I said and left.

Amidst the hues and light of the city, there lied this small, gloomy store with dim lights. The board outside was cracked, the trees embarked from the wall which was a home to many a bat and the location made it almost unreachable. The store needed a good renovation. Nevertheless, I went to the store and looked around to see if anyone was free to attend me. Crossed my eyes, no single ghost. I raced my eyes to the stairs that lead to the next storey and their lied a board which said, "Pick one right fit from each stall and pay $250 to our keeper". "How convenient?", I said to myself.
I picked up brown belt from the first stall and realized it's for men only. I rushed to the next and collected my black tie, brown badge. The white shirt wasn't available in my size. But I had no plans to come here again. Hence, I picked up what I could manage the best. I was not in my best mood and so I didn't explore much and left the place with $250 less from pocket.

I couldn't sleep properly that night. My family attended me but 'twas of no use. And even one more thought about that guy Goma, raged me. My wrath being multiplied over time and hence I engaged myself in scribbling my thoughts.

Sun rays bought no joy to me. I hastily wore my shirt and complained at my dust-smeared grey skirt. I didn't wear my light blue blazer because anger kept my temperature high enough.

The best part about high-school is that you can choose to sit and study in Library than attend regular classes. As I entered the school I saw the statue of a pheonix all in its glory high, with its slogan embedded in stones

"nous croyons en l'égalité pour tous "

"We believe in equality for all"  written in French. I mean why isn't a pheonix from an Egyptian origin then why a French slogan? And isn't it laughable as to how they discriminate us from our uniforms itself us ghosts having light blue blazers the humans having royal blue ones and I heard there are few elites too in this school they wear black blazers, although I don't see any of them right now. I laughed at the irony and made my way to the new journey in hell.

Anxiously, I found my way to the "Hall of Books" and sat down with "After Life". Outside the window, floated a feather. Dancing left and right, it changed its disposition. This provided me an uncertain comfort that even when the side's swing, you'll reach the surface when you ease yourself. I tuned my head to the other side and started to read the book that caught my interest to escape from reality, into the world that I create, unknowingly of what will follow next.


Stu ~ Keren a betrayer huh! Well did you see that coming. 

Do share your thoughts on this chapter too!! & don't forget to give us a like, I'm always excited with BS project even though it's just me and stu penning our thoughts out!!!!!!.~ Aye.

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