CHAPTER 27: Nursery Rhymes

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The temperature shot down with one clap. The light was dim, rather a shade of blue. The lovely teen faces were fearing a ten-year old. The temperature was dropping, but sweat still happened to bother all of them. They looked at each other in the faint light and dusty air. None of them looked confident, but none failed either. A not-lost fight is still not a failure. There were hopes.

Zach looked the most exasperated of all. Nobody knew he was mildly claustrophobic except Keren. He felt difficult to draw breath and the colour from his face seemed to wash away very quickly. No matter how hard he tried to keep his face straight, his body responded otherwise. He stumbled on his place, struggling to keep his feet low to escape other's attention but that hardly happened. Keren noticed him and tried to give him a hand but he had already found a way to reach to the closest frame of a mirror and got hold of it. Keren still held his other arm and helped him kneel down while she half-sat beside him. Having once settled, leaving the troop who were only a few metres away in the centre of the room, both of them turned their gaze to where the drama was about to begin.

"What do you want?", Akashi asked. Catherine was playing with her teddy ignoring any human presence whatsoever.

"Where is Tristian?", Rika asked. The look on her face was haunting. They were standing before a 10 year old , someone who would normally look the least harmful. But the fear quotient of the room was evident in all the faces as they all looked stumped.

"Where is Emilia?", Goma added. Rika looked at Goma and was terrified that there were more than one person who could be hurt presently.

As terrified and feared were these voices, an equal careless and unbothered attitude was reflected by Catherine. Instead of being intimidated by the grown souls around, she never looked up at once to face them. Rather chanted a nursery rhyme which seemed more appropriate to her.

She began in her sing-song voice, in a decent sound, as-if mostly singing it to herself.

"Mirror mirror on the wall

One mirror falls, death of all."

"Who is this silly girl and what is she saying?" Drake asked. 

At this, Catherine looked at Drake to figure out who this new person was. Not gathering any expression for the new remarks for herself, she continued in the same tone.

"Orphan she is, but not small,

With her, is the guy who loves Volleyball

Catherine loves him,

But he doesn't fall." 

Tears rolled down Catherine's rosy cheeks while she continued playing with her favourite toy. She looked like any normal kid who would get mad at someone for not liking him or her, but her more than calm and composed behaviour is what the teens were fearing the most.

Mustering up her usual self she continued herself while wiping her tears from the handkerchief attached to her frock. She tilted her head and caught a glimpse of Drake,

"Other player, that lies by the wall   

Seldom alone, follows no protocol,

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