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Dying again? Numbing? Getting Unconscious? Rika didn't know, what would happen next, as she partially closed her eyes. Contemplating the attacks, she had been involved in here. She was sure of just one thing that she could be touched by those around her which meant she wasn't abducted by Humans. They we're either Ghosts or Freaks. She freaked out. The idea of being killed once again after by the same murderers, shook her from head to toe. 

When the three men grabbed her, the glass that was still struck on her hand, was pulled down as they almost dragged her. Her hand was ripped apart from palm down to the fore-finger. She was half-dead bearing the searing pain as the blood oozed dripping down on the floor. She was half-alive when she saw herself being ported down the aisle that she was familiar with. 

It was the same aisle that they traversed when she and Keren first encountered Soy Libre. The loud music and thud of the beats seemed to vanish in thin air. They have left the party behind them. All that could be heard was silent murmurs of the kidnappers and the sobbing of wounded and devastated Rika. She tried to keep her eyes open battling the whirling world around her which made her feel nauseated. The tears made her vision blurred, but she could see dark corridor with scarlet lamps as they made their way out. After a short journey in a van they arrived a desolated area, Rika could not think straight any more as her consciousness kept on fading in and out.

At the entrance of what looked like an abandoned factory house, waited a man dressed oddly in a navy, baggy blue apparel. He was accessorized with glass capsule supported by a copper chain around his neck. It was an ancient looking capsule filled with reddish-black liquid that wouldn't go un-noticed. He was in his late 20's but the grave look that he carried and the wrinkles on his forehead suggested that he have had sleepless nights, tiresome days which had kept him busy leaving little time for rest.

One of the three men, pulled down his hat and bowed to the young man and said, "We have the medium Shizo Delvath".

Delvath inhaled a deep breath and looked at the girl who was all dolled up but looked as if she will pass out. He upturned his lips, his wrinkles hinged up and he nodded at once pleased by the men.

"Shizo Salvan will be pleased with you. Take this", Delvath slid his hand into his deep pockets and gave him a strange looking book named, "Pause thy life, not thy mind". One of the only hundred rare copies published so far. A book which was just passed on in exchange of something as worthy as the book.

"Your due is here gentlemen, we are settled Huh? ", asked Delvath in a deep bass voice as he handed over the book to the three men.

All three of them offered their bow and spoke "Thankful Shizo!" which swelled with respect. 

Delvath exchanged an eye contact and ordered, "Place the medium above the cross". His fingers pointed towards.

Rika looked as if she was in a deep sleep. The three men pulled her into the room that stood in the middle of the factory. The ceilings were high that was covered with cobwebs. Strangely no spiders to be spotted. The camphor lit at the corners, lighted the room dimly. The fumes of which persisted around the room rather than fading making the nearest vision unclear. The room smelled damp and the wood dust covered every spot. The window which was high at the North wall let enter the full moon light that shimmered around the long, damp, wooden platform that stood on one leg from the centre. On the centre of the platform, an old rugged painting of a full moon was inked with hues of navy-blue, black and silver as if it belonged to a stormy night. Underneath the platform was a freshly sooted cross that Delvath had mentioned.

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