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Crap! I didn't know Ramel was already here!! I thought all flights were delayed. I guess he drove all the way here. By the look of his unapologetic face, he has all the audacity to give me such expressions after all that happened. Ughhh well he's not important right now. It's better to shove away the grudges Keren. Rika is still not around.

As I took Tristan to Ri's room Goma, Zach and others followed suit. 

"NO WAIT." Tristian revolted.

"The lesser people, the better. I am still an amateur at this. I can get distracted easily and might end up giving you the wrong directions." He explained.

That said only Tristan, me and Goma went because he was the one who was last with her.

Peach in the colour, with dreamcatchers and teddies around and the bright sunflower radiating yellow, overall the room was a little "too much" for the guys. Goma squinted his eyes and let pass out a little 'jeez'. Ha ha, I guess they're still high school boys in a girl's room. Tristian was both bewildered and nervous so as to encounter what was served in his plate.

Nevertheless, not wasting anymore time, I pulled out the chairs and shifted towards the boys. Tristian held the water jug from the table beside. Poured some for self, managing hard not to spill, but not successful. Quickly swallowing down water and blinking uncontrollably, he pushed the jar towards the two of us. Both of us, with bated breath, refused.

"Have some, it'll help later! Go on." 

Exchanging eyes, both of us helped ourselves.

"Here both of you hold one of my hand." Tristan directed us. He wore gloves in left hand so that I could hold him too.

"Why holding hands?" I asked out of curiosity.

Goma eyed at me. I looked back to Tristian. His 15-year old face just had straight faces to offer on any other day. But blood was flushed on his face, his eyes flickered and the beads of sweat, traced his forehead. He looked scared but sounded more than ever. 

He looked at me, bit his lips frivolously and looked back at Goma.

"You don't have to answer that." Goma called out.

"Oh! I am sooo- so..I mean....". Hardly had I completed my sentence, when Goma nudged my sides with his elbows. I looked up "sorry" at him, then he pointed towards Tristan.

Before my neck allowed me to turn, I noticed the same soft-breeze outside, become a little hesitant on my skin. The lights flickering annoyingly and the sunflower turning pale and drooping down. Turning my gaze towards Tristian, I saw what was hard for me to register. Looking straight at me, was Tristian's eyes which were open wide almost popping his eyes out of his sockets. More correctly, he was seeing straight through me. 

His face went paler than ever. His huge eyes protruding out witnessing something that, what I assume, is something he must have never seen. He was struggling for letting out a shriek, but his clenched teeth wouldn't give way. His green emerald eyes started creating swirls of pattern in them with black threads. It looked so strange and menacing that I almost wanted to take back my hands and flung out of the room. But it was too late.

Tristian being the one concentrating, was breathing heavily from the beginning. But slowly, it was difficult for all three of us to inhale. The air around him started to get denser as he used more and more of his life force. To a point, where it became thick and damp, like the one around a lot of trees and shrubs. The smell of the moist soil was hurting my nose. A gush of wind and the hair on the nape of my neck stood up. My throat started burning and were dry. I glanced sideways to check on Goma and realized that Goma would be having an anxiety attack soon. But we could only delay it. I mimicked and he followed the lead, taking breaths from mouth. Hard times do make people more compassionate. 

BLUE SCARFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora