CHAPTER 14: Death

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Okay, I'll leave this to the two of them. While Keren and I were making our way in the factory, Ramel shouted "You better bring Rika back safely or else it'll be my hand and your neck." I didn't pay any heed to him and went in.

Keren and I stopped short after witnessing the scene inside. Keren started shaking. I looked over at her, and to my surprise she had the same expression that I had. She was shaking with anger. I felt immense anger burning up in my stomach too. I wanted to kill the ones who did this to Rika. Now all I saw was red. Rika was lying on a raised Altar with weird symbols drawn on it and her right hand was swollen and covered in thick blood that has now dried. Shards of glasses were stuck in her palm and some of it were gashed down to her arms. The wounds were now purple from infection.

Her whole skin looked ashen as if she had lost too much blood. Her clothes and her golden brown turned hard as they were soaked in dried blood. But what ticked us the most, was her life force. It was running out. She was already cold and bland, and topped by that was her glowing white body.

" what do we have here?" Two men came in from behind the altar. Both of them had huge scars on their faces. So, they are the ones who did this. I ran and slammed my body against them as hard as I could, making them fly across the room. "Keren, go save her; I'll deal with them". But to our despair, she could not cross the circle drawn on the floor.

"No good, Goma. Something is severely wrong here. I don't know how but.... I can...I can't cross this", she whimpered.

"If this is not one of those illusions, we are caught in. These bastards have done something. It's like an invisible wall." She cried out.

My jaws hurt as that made my anger rise up. I pulled one of the guys on the floor by his collar and hit him hard with the butt of my gun.

" How? How were you both inside the circle? TELL ME HOW? OR I'LL KILL YOU DAMMIT." I shouted, pulling him to his feet, almost tearing the collar... I heard the slight rasp of material ripping. Pointing the gun on his forehead, I threatened him.

Daring of him to give me an attitude under gun point, that bastard only smiled.

"Hehe serves that bitch right, only a few hours left she'll show us our future."

I couldn't take it anymore, and punched him hard enough to hear the sickening crunch of his bones breaking. I stepped back, balancing my weight on my left foot, and threw my right fist out in a curved punch at his temple. Turning ninety degrees to the side, he brought his right forearm up to counter the blow, formed a fist with his left, and threw it at my outstretched jaw. I managed to dodge it somehow. Next, I threw my body mid-air, crouching up my legs to increase acceleration and stomped on his face with both my feet.


I heard his already fractured bones crushing and he threw up blood groaning.

"Phew now your turn", I said to the one who stood there like a chicken without helping his partner who was getting the shit beaten out of him. Thank goodness he didn't go after Keren. Otherwise they couldn't even have begged for their life if she had shot them.

Two more men dressed in black came half turned and half stepped back. A fluid quarter circle, shoulders and all, and like I knew they would, the two guys moved towards me. Faster than I was moving, off-script and involuntary, ready to grab me.

I eyed Keren and strangely before even asking her, she picked up the call. She hid behind the large drum picking her piston ready for a shot.

My eyes focussed on every fist coming my way. I heard each hit as it landed. Saw the blood and cracked bones. Felt the impact of fists and feet and knees and elbows. I could smell the pungent smell of tires and rusted chains hanging in the corner of the room. I had punched many, some of which were reciprocated to me as well. Some guy kicked on my waist, which almost moved the floor under my feet and shook my nervous system.

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