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*3 hours before the meeting at the school's canteen table. *

I finally came back to my Academy. It has been more than a week since I last passed through this high and mighty Phoenix statue. As winter was drawing near, people started styling in their blazers, the class was now filled with a mixture of greys and blues.

I still can't believe what happened yesterday. As I went into my room something happened which was the most bizarre thing. Out of nowhere there was a boy who said he was expecting him to be actually in my room, but rather he was in my dressing mirror, is he a mirror ghost?? Do they exist or was I hallucinating all along? The boy who saw me in my room just smiled, his before dull green eyes now glinting with energy in them "We'll meet soon." Was the only thing the boy with black and white streaked hair said. After that he vanished.

I waited for Keren as these thoughts kept running through my brain. Should I tell someone about him? Will they even believe me?

"Ms. Lestrange has been called to the infirmary. Please report as soon as possible." The intercom in our class jerked me to reality. The whole hustle- bustle in our class went silent as they stared at me. Ugh! I hate attention. I think I came to school too early because Keren was still not here. I kept looking around searching for her as I made my way to the infirmary.

"So, the reason for you being absent one week, was you having a fever?" The man with white lab coat asked, as I showed him my health documents forged by our doctor.

"Huh! Yes" I nodded.

He smiled. Wow he sure is good looking was the first thing that came into my mind.
Actually now that I remember correctly, I never saw him in the teacher's line during assemblies.

Is he really a teacher here? He looked rather young and had a mysterious aura around him. I have never seen such silvery white hair anywhere else. It was long and gelled back. His one eye was covered while the other one shone bright blue like crystals in the blue ocean. I have never seen such a charismatic aura before.

"And! What about your eye?" He asked, tapping his left eye. Aghhh he figured it out. Today, due to my eye turning red I had to wear an eye cap to hide the fact that I am from V clan and wore my hair open to hide it with my bangs so that it doesn't get too much attention.

"Um... I had a sharp pain in my eye so the doctor recommended that I wear this." I made up a fast excuse.

"Oh?" He said or was that a question?

"Ok then you will be checking out of your normal classes and moving on to the Elite classes."

"Huh? Wait, why?" I asked.

"Because you became a Freak! After the incident." He smiled dangerously. He knew, he knew everything. I stood up and stepped back. Who is he? Is he that Mr. Many- Names the others were talking about? That government official who found us interesting and didn't report on us?

"Whoa whoa don't worry I'm no one suspicious. I'm having a Deja Vu. I think I told this to someone before." He muttered the last part rubbing his chin nonchalantly.

Should I run? Should I knock him out? What if he tells the government about me, Tristan and the rest? Don't panic, calm down, I took a deep breath.

"Yea yes calm down! I'm not gonna complain about you youngsters. You! Do you know how you were saved after losing so much life force?" He asked.

Wait, now is he even reading my mind? "Isn't that obvious? Keren and my friends saved me." I replied a little on edge.

"Hmmm, he didn't tell you." He again muttered something.

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