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"You know Emi...ahem...ahem....when I used to get angry or when Dad scolded me for my innocent mischiefs, 


Dad used to bring fruit loops in my favorite Rexen bowl with maple syrup and strawberries. And...and also those panda engraved toasts with choco chips on them. No matter where he would have a meeting next morning.... inter-city or outside city......he would always make sure that I have had my dinner before sleep.... he always believed......skip...skipping", before Goma could speak more his throat had a funny sensation and his vision turned blurry.

".........skipping dinner doesn't make you an overnight winner", Emily feebly completed his sentence. Turned her gaze from the moist grey eyes of Goma to the view of the fields spread vast across, meeting the horizon of the night sky with only a highway in between. It was busy in the days, but in the the night, it was just the street lights and the few stray animals that were frequent to that road. 

The moon wasn't out by now. The sky was covered in dark clouds, but there was no sight of rain. It was a normal night, like any other. But the Adkins Mansion was very silent. More silent than ever. The soft breeze that passed through the balcony of Adkins' mansions' many of the rooms, gently touched the skin of the souls that were sipping onto skimmed hazelnut milk. The gush of the soft breeze was the only audible noise in the young night.

"How come you know of it?". Goma asked casually.

"What?" Emilia said before taking her last sip.

"Dad's silly quote about last meals of day I meant", Goma clarified.

"Umm...that was what he said to me when he first came to 'Home For Abandoned'".

"Well, I never knew that. What was it like there?"


"Like in the orphanage? I mean I heard dad mention once or twice that you were very difficult for the Sister there, but when I met you, you were not like that."

"I was being difficult? I mean yeah, but that was mainly because that place was so strict with the rules. Their stupid goddamn rules.", she gasped.

Continuing, "I never understood why they could never grant me to make money out of quills? Or Ravya go for a Foreign Education Program when someone anonymous was paying for it? Or let Symphie go to a family who loved her but were from lower middle class. I mean we orphans really desire to be with a family, not go settle with a filthy rich ignorant family. Sometimes I felt that place was adoption-phobic", she contemplated.

Taking a pause, she continued. "Who cares where the money comes from? How much money is too much money? We just need a roof that we could call a shelter. And siblings, love, care, affection. Like any normal family"

"So, what did you do? Advocate about this to every visitor?", Goma smiled a bit while saying.

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