Chapter 1

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Alessio POV:

I'm finally settling back down in California after 7 years of Military service. I'm at a cafe strategizing how I'm gonna tell my family I'm home. I'm sure they'll be happy to see me but afterwards they're gonna yell like nobody's business.

I left without a trace. Only Oscar knew where I went. I never called, visited, or sent letters home. Well I did talk to Adriana here and there but nothing crazy. I just did my own thing. I knew they'd try and stop me. Most of all I was too scared to face them after what I did.

The military gave me time to finish my PhD so I still fulfilled my parents wishes. Mom was always super bitchy about me joining the Navy because she hated Xavier's girlfriend but it's my life. I didn't want to be the mafia prince leeching off his family's wealth. Adriana's uncle Sergei made me realize my love explosives. If I'm being honest I would've hated my life if I stayed.

As I'm waiting for my coffee and croissant some guy sits down across from me

"May I help you?"

"Where the hell have you been?" he asks

"I think you have the wrong person."

"No I have the right person. 4 years ago we slept together and you didn't wear a condom!" he seethed

"I don't swing that way."

"I was a she when you knocked me up." he clarified

"Oh congrats!" I told him

He sent me a confused look

"Thank you."

"Wait, did you keep the kid?" I ask

"Of course I couldn't get rid her."

"Are you positive she's mine?"

"I see you in her everyday, look." he pulled out his phone and showed me the cutest child in the world

"She's adorable." I smiled

"I can do DNA if you want but you were the last man I slept with before my transition."

I cut him off

"I believe you. I'm sorry I wasn't here to help you but if you'll let me I'd love to meet my little girl. We can figure out this coparenting thi- what?" I asked as he was just smiling at me

"No, it's just that this is way easier than I imagined. It's honestly too good to be true. I figured you'd say it's not your kid and be super difficult or I thought you'd fight for custody because you didn't want her growing up with my influence." He explained

"If she didn't resemble me so much I would've but you seem sincere. You also didn't try to ask for money. You genuinely wanted to know where the fuck I disappeared to. Also I don't care that you're trans. It's none of my business. I may not know you but I'm really happy for you. I can't imagine living my life uncomfortable in my own skin. You look happy and that's nice." I told him sincerely

"I wish everyone thought like you. So where have you been? I searched high and low for you."

"I was in the Navy. The night we slept together I was on vacation before my deployment. I got back a couple days ago."

"How old are you?" he asked

"31 and you?"

"25, and Evelyn is 4."

"That's her name?" I smiled

"Yeah Evelyn Harper Prescott."

"Can we have it hyphenated to be Prescott- Lombardi?" I asked

"We'll see in the future. For now I want you to get to know her. Once we build a good relationship between us 3 we can make those major changes."

"If you're worried I'll skedaddle, I promise you I won't. If I had know you had our child I would've made an effort to be here." I tell him

"I know. It's just she's my everything."

"And you're allowed to worry. I won't rush the process. Let's get to know each other. I'm Alessio Lombardi."

"I'm Benjamin Prescott."

"I just finished my service so I'm in the hiring process to join law enforcement."

"Ew a cop."

"I would be LAPD or anything gross like that. Right now I'm trying to land a job on the FBI bomb squad. I worked with bombs in the Navy so that's where my expertise is. I'll probably do bomb squad or a tactical team."

"Is that your only option?"

"I have a PhD in Chemistry so I can always work in a lab or as a professor. I can also continue my Military career which I'm not opposed to." I shrugged

"Shit you're smart."  He complimented

"Wish my family thought like you." I laughed humorlessly

"They don't think you're smart?" he asked

"I'm sure they do. They just aren't impressed by my intelligence. My twin sister graduated high school at 14 then went to Oxford University. She earned her doctorate in science by age 20. She owned a hotel and club by age 13. She's honestly amazing."

"But that's her. You can't downplay the fact that you're a doctor in chemistry too. That's amazing too." he complimented


"I have to get back to work but can I get your number so I don't lose you again?"

"Sure." I smiled at him

He got up and left while I stayed trying to wrap my head around the entire situation.

Hours later

I decide to sit down for the first time in hours. I finally got around to unpacking and fixing up my house. Even though it's only me I got a big place for when I eventually have a family. This was also the first big purchase I've made since I started making my own money so I figured go big or go home. I may have gone too big because right now the silence is defending.

I get a call and I don't even bother checking the caller ID


"Hey Alessio, it's Benjamin."

I perk up at the sound of his voice

"Oh hey what's up?"

"Are you busy right now?" He asks

"No, I was just unpacking but I think I'm done for the day."

"Cool, I wanted to know if you want to meet up tomorrow to talk about our situation."

"Yeah, I'm free tomorrow I can text you my address and you can come over."

"That sounds good. I'll drop by around 10. Does that work or do you sleep in?"

"No I'll be up by then."

"Awesome, well have a good night."

"Thanks, have a good one too." I respond then hang up


Here's chapter 1

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