Chapter 16

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Alessio's POV

He hasn't answered all night. It was safe to assume he wasn't planning on coming back. I couldn't pinpoint why but I felt disappointed. It could be the extrovert in me but I enjoy his company a lot. Sending the status updates filled me with excitement. I love spending time with my daughter and sharing those moments with people I care about.

People like Benjamin.

I walk into the kitchen and open my cabinet to fish out some containers to put his food away. I was interrupted by a series of light knocks on the door. I put down the Tupperware and looked at the intercom by my door to see who it was.

My face lit up when I saw Benjamin waiting out front

I wasted no time opening the door to let him in

"Hey, you're back." I greeted

"I said I would." He smiled

I let him in and locked my door.

"I was just about to put your plate away."

"Sorry, I took my time grooming Tempest. How could you think I wouldn't return for the plate you two made for me?" He faked being hurt

"That's a good point. It would be criminal if you let this plate go to waste." I joke as I put it in the microwave

"Did she give a hard time during bedtime?" He asks

"No, after everything we did she was falling asleep in the tub. I didn't even have to read her a story."

"Look at you!" He cheered

Lyn used to give me a really tough time

I placed his plate in front of him and he thanked me before digging in

"This is so fucking good." He moans

Well it's official... I'm a pervert

My dick twitched when a man moaned at the food my daughter and I made

"Are you okay?"

"Never better." I lied

I walked over to my special drawer which was two racks full of liquor. I grabbed a glass from the dish rack and poured myself a decent amount. Then I opened the freezer and threw a ball of ice in my cup.

"You did that out of order." He teased

"I know, do you want a glass?"

"No, I'm riding Erebus tomorrow."


Once he finished eating he washed his dirty dishes. I tried to protest since he was a guest but he ignored me.

Once he had a chance to digest his food I walked him over to my relaxation room which has a sauna, jacuzzi, and heated pool.

He thanked me and took off his shirt before entering the hot tub. I don't know why I didn't just walk away.

"Would you like to join me?" He asked

"It's okay."

"You sure? Cause you're standing over there looking envious." He teased

"Do you care if I join?"

"Not at all. As long as we stay five feet apart it's not gay." He joked

"I'm gonna put on swim trunks then."

This is a great opportunity for us to clear the air. It's been awkward since I almost kissed him.

I returned in only my swim trunks and sat across from him.

"Damn if I knew it felt this good I would've gotten in sooner." I sighed and leaned back with my forearm resting on the sides

"Is this your first time in your hot tub?"

"Yeah." I answered

"That's insane. If I had one I'd be in here endlessly"

He tried to lean back like I was but he ended up floating to the top. When he tried to re ground himself he accidentally grazed my shaft with the bottom of his foot. I instantly felt embarrassed at the fact I was hard.

"Shit, I'm sorry." He rushed out an apology

"It's fine accidents happen."

We sat in an uncomfortably long silence until he began getting up

"Maybe this was a bad idea. I'm sorry for... you know."

"No, really it's fine." I reached over and grabbed his wrist. He lost balance and fell on top of me

If he didn't know before, he knows now. He looked at me wide eye

"I'm sorry, I just want us to get over the awkwardness we've had these last couple of weeks. I've been acting weird around you and I just want us to be friends again."

"Do you get hard ons for all your friends?" He asked in disbelief

"No just you- fuck it wasn't meant to come off like that." I rushed out

"Alessio this is honestly exhausting. I'm trying to respect your sexuality and coparent with you appropriately. I'm trying to be your friend and not cross any boundaries but you on the other hand keep trampling over those undefined borders."

"I know and I'm sorry. This is just really confusing for me." I explained

"I get that but I'm not here for you to experiment on Alessio. It's been months of you giving me mixed signals. If it's not already obvious I like you but you're straight so I've been backing off to show you and our friendship respect. I need you to respect me in return."

I was surprised to hear his confession. He's really good at playing it off.

"I think I like you too but this is all really new to me. I've never been attracted to a man before. I didn't realize it would be offensive. I thought it was normal to mess around."

"You're right it's very normal to mess around as a consenting adult whether you're gay, straight, or something in between. The issue is that you never communicated that you'd like to dabble with men. In fact you've been in a constant state of denial about you feelings towards me up until this conversation. We have a kid together. We cannot be messy."

I frowned and muttered another apology

"However, if you want to explore your sexuality say the word. I can show you the pleasures of experimenting with me. But I need communication." He whispered in my ear as he pressed himself against my boner

I let out a shaky breath at the sensation. I was certain he could feel me twitching against him. The hot tub was making it impossible for me to think clearly. I felt like a horny teenager again.

I don't know why I said I might like him, he's just a friend.

My thoughts were interrupted by Benjamin's sigh followed by him standing up

"Goodnight Alessio. Whenever you're ready to explore, let me know. If you decide you just want to be friends/coparents I'll gladly respect and honor that decision." He told me before hopping out of the hot tub

This is the last time I step in a hot tub


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Mwah 😤

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