Chapter 11

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Adriana's POV

It's been a week since Benjamin and Alessio have talked. He hasn't reached out to talk and continues to ignore all of my brothers attempts to communicate with them.

Do I blame him?


After a long talk with Vinnie and Oscar, Alessio realized how intolerant he was being. Now he's looking for the opportunity to apologize and make up with Benjamin.

"You need to push for custody of your daughter." Mom tells him

"What? Why would I do that?" He asks

"Benjamin has no right to deny you from seeing your own daughter. You as much a parent as she is. Plus she's homeless and unemployed. Instead of getting a real job she's chasing fantasies."

"Benjamin is a he so stop being disrespectful. Also I'm not gonna rip Lyn away from the only parent she's been with her whole life. I'm in this situation because of you and dad. If you guys weren't so transphobic I'd still be able to see my daughter. I'm going to give Benjamin the space he needs."

"If she can't set aside her own hurt feelings for the sake of her baby then she shouldn't have gotten pregnant."

"But Alessio knocked him up so maybe Alessio should've used an intact condom. You can't place all the blame on Benjamin when your bigotry and Alessio's cowardliness landed them in this situation. Also the next time either of you misgenders Benjamin imma put a bullet in you." I warn

"You always jump to violence. That's why Louise is the way she is." Kora added

"Talking about my kids is a quicker way to get a bullet stuck in you." I shrug

"Vincenzo is gay how can we be bigots?"

"Wow, were you born a stupid heifer or did it manifest overtime?"

"Okay let's take a walk." Tyler says to me

"But I didn't even say anything?" I frowned

"I don't wanna hear your family spew more of their prejudice."

"But it's entertaining."

"The word I'd use is disgusting." He side eyed Charlotte and Kora

"Is this because you have a confused sister?" Alessandro asked

Tyler's jaw ticked and he stepped towards Alessandro but I stop him

"The kids are around." I reminded

"Keep Morgan out of your mouth. I don't understand how someone's identity impacts you, but you just have to respect them and move the fuck on. Even if Morgan wasn't non-binary your attitude would still piss me off because it unnecessary. Benjamin is twice the man you are which is why you're so fixated on tearing him down. You keep trying to shift the blame onto Benjamin but it's because of you Alessio can't see his daughter. Do everyone the kindness of fucking right off."

"Oooh daddy you gotta put money in the swear jar." Londyn told him

"I had a really good reason this time. Can I get a pass?"

"Did you give me a pass when I tried to fix the kitchen sink?" She challenged

"You broke a pipe and left the kitchen submerged in two feet of water."

"Life is about learning lessons daddy." She shrugged

"That's definitely my daughter." I laughed

I felt my phone vibrate so I checked my messages. It was a text from Yuri. He sent me an address I asked him to find.

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