Chapter 8

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Benjamin's POV

It's Saturday night and we're making our way to our reservations with Alessio's parents. Evelyn is asleep in her car seat. Poor baby has been up since six in the morning. She competed three times today and did very well. She got second place the first two times but was able to earn first her third try. When she wasn't competing she was warming up the other horses.

I'm driving this time because Alessio has been freaking out all day. He's had like four panic attacks. Between Alessio and Evie I've had a busy day. Now I know where Evie inherited her anxiety from.

"If you keep shaking your leg like that you're gonna end up drilling a hole through my car." I gently tease

"Sorry, I must be really annoying." He rushed out

"I was just teasing. You're not bothering me. My friend Robbie has anxiety so I'm well versed. Don't think you're bothering me. Let me know if you need an escape at any point in the night. I'll come up with something."

"I'm probably gonna go out drinking with Adriana later." He says

"Do you know when you'll be home?"

"Tomorrow the latest, why?" He answered

"I had horse girl stuff to do tomorrow but I can figure it out." I brush off

"I can stay home then."

"It's fine. You deserve to drink the night away with your twin. I honestly don't mind."

"You're the best."

At the restaurant

Alessio woke up Evie and carried her in since she was still very sleepy. She still had her ribbons pinned on her show jacket. She also had two cute bows at the end of her Dutch braids.

The restaurant we walked into was high end and clearly expensive. I saw Charlotte and Kora sitting with two men.

"I thought it was only your parents." I whisper to Alessio

"Me too." He replied with a frustrated sigh

We continued to the table and I put on a fake smile while saying hello

"She's old enough to be walking. Why are you carrying her?" Charlotte asked in a judgmental tone

"She's been up since six in the morning and she fell asleep in the car. She should be showering and going to bed but instead we're here." Alessio answered

"Watch it Alessio."

"Lets take our seats so we can become better acquainted." I chimed in

Thankfully we were given a booth. Evelyn does a little dance when she eats good food and she always falls out of normal chairs

"I'm gonna ask the hostess for a booster seat so Evie can reach the table." I excused myself

"I can grab it." Alessio offered and left

I turned to his family to introduce myself

"I'm Benjamin and this is Evelyn."

"Hello, Benjamin. I'm Alessandro Lombardi and this is my younger brother Lorenzo."

"It's nice to meet you two."

"Why is she all dressed up?"

"She had a horse show today. She placed top two all three times today." Evie stood up to show off her ribbons

"That's so cool! Good job Evelyn." Alessandro told her

Evelyn smiled bashfully and signed thank you

"Evelyn when people say nice things you're supposed to say thank you." Kora told her

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