Chapter 22

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Benjamin's POV

It's the second to last period of the day and it's time for the dreaded gym class. I have a double period of gym everyday. Mine and Robbie's dad are lunatics about us being fit aside from riding so they always pull stunts like this. Honestly outside of riding I don't care to be active. I normally get D's in gym class since I always walk or sit out

I found a corner in the locker room to change into my gym uniform.

"Hey this is the girls locker room not the boys." A brunette sneered while the rest of the girls laughed

"Great observation." I complimented sarcastically while putting on my shirt

"We don't feel comfortable changing around you."

"Then don't." I shrugged as I put on my sweat pants

"You think you're funny lesbo?"

"You think you're clever troglodyte?" I snapped back

"So you are a lesbo?"

"I guess by that logic you're a troglodyte. That'll also explain why you have such an aggressive underbite and massive forehead. You could project a movie on that thing."

"I'm telling!"

"Go ahead you think I care?" I scoffed as I pushed past the herd of mean girls

I left the locker room and went to stand with Robbie and his friends

"How was the locker room?" Robbie asked

I used to get panic attacks having to change in front of people.

"It was fine I just faced the wall while I changed."

"Are you sure everything was fine?" Robbie's friend Jasper asked


"Because Ms. Nickerson is coming in hot." August pointed behind me

I turned to see a very upset gym teacher

"Young man come with me!" She seethed

"Why?" I asked

"Do you seriously need to ask? Did you think the girls wouldn't tell me?"

"I don't know what they told you I did but it's not true. All I did was change and call one of them an ugly troglodyte."

"You have no business in the ladies room! That's for young woman not creepy little boys! We're going the Father David's office right now so he can decide an appropriate punishment for you! Let's go!" She screamed and everyone was staring

"Okay. Let me grab my stuff." I shrugged

"Already have it!" She held up my backpack

"Dude are you actually going?" The guys asked

"Yeah, let them look stupid." I whispered

"Let's go!"

I followed her to the principal office and did my best to ignore all the insults she threw my way.

"So this is the boy in question? Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"Nothing you'll believe." I answered nonchalantly

"In that case let's see if your parents believe you." He turned the phone towards me

I began dialing dad's number

"Arthur Prescott speaking?"

"Hi, Mr. Prescott I'm sorry to bother you but I have you son here. He thought I'd be fun to sneak into the girls locker room during gym class. The girls asked him to leave and expressed discomfort but he insulted them and continued to change despite their repeated protests."

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