Chapter 28

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Benjamin's POV


"Hahahaha I'd die if I ever got caught doing something like that. Especially in high school." He laughed uncontrollably

"Do you want me to continue or not?"

"Okay I'm done, you can finish your story."



We're both sitting on opposite ends of the couch while our dads glare at us with crossed arms

"One of you better start talking."

"We both had a crush on the same guy-" Robbie was interrupted

"So you organized a three way with him in my fucking house?!"

"No, it kinda just happened. This wasn't planned out at all. It really was meant to be a sleepover between friends."

"How long has this been going on?" My dad asked next

"Today was the first time either of us did anything remotely sexual."

"You two were raised like siblings. How could you do something so disgusting?"

"We're best friends. We never considered each other family." Robbie argued

"So you two like each other?"

"No!" We said at the same time

"You slept together."

"We slept with Carlos and the other just happened to be there." I clarified

"So you like boys now?" Uncle Atticus asked

"I've always liked boys."

"So that kid made you gay." He scoffed

"What? You can't make a person gay. As early as I can remember I found boys attractive. My first crush was sharkboy from sharkboy and lavagirl. Carlos isn't even gay he's bi. We go to school together but became friends after we started going to the youth center downtown."

"If you're gay why did you do that stuff with my daughter? Are you sure you're not just confused?" Dad interrogated Robbie

"He's not confused. I'm a boy."

"What are you going on about?"

"I'm trans so I'm not your daughter, I'm your son."

"Bellamy I'm not listening to you cry about wanting to be a boy. If you were really a boy you wouldn't have a crush on Carlos."

"I'm a boy who has a crush on Carlos!" I repeated

"But that's not normal. It doesn't make sense to want to be a boy but still like boys. You're just having self esteem issues. You'll grow out of this when you're older."

I heard Robbie sniffle before he got up and walk away

"Get back here!"

"Fuck you!" He cursed at his dad for the first time

"The fuck did you just say to me?"

"You heard me! I said fuck you! Fuck both of you! There's nothing abnormal about being gay or trans. You're just close minded assholes who would rather write an obituary than accept your kids. I'm still the same Atticus Sawyer Robinson the Fourth that you raised. Who are you to call this a phase? Bellamy has always hated anything feminine. I can't remember a time Bellamy didn't hate being a girl. How is it that our school could take steps to make him comfortable but you can't? He already dresses like a boy what difference would it make for you to call him a he instead of a she? We've know what we were our entire fucking lives. You don't get to tell us we made a mistake." Robbie stood up for us

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