Chapter 25

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Benjamin's POV

Once I reached my room I got dressed in jeans and a hoodie. The mud room door opened and closed. I expected to see dad but instead I saw Weston.


"I heard mom and dad fighting. Sorry I didn't tell you happy birthday. I didn't forget and neither did dad. Mom told us she was throwing you a surprise party in the house at 7:54 pm, the time you were born but I see that was a lie. Happy Birthday Bellamy."

"Thanks Wes."

"I can drive you wherever you were gonna sneak off to."


"Yeah, and I have a lot saved from my allowance. I can drive you to get a haircut tomorrow if dad doesn't take my keys."

"You don't care that I don't look like a girl?"

"You've been my brother for years. Why would I want you to look like a girl?"

I hugged his waist

Even though we fight all the time, Weston still knows what to say to make me happy.

"Get off me!"

"Can you pick up Robbie?"

"Sure, tell him to be ready to jump in my car."

"Can I text him on your phone? Dad still has mine."

He nodded and handed me his phone as we got in his car. We opened the garage door and he drove off without looking back. Robbie lived fifteen minutes from us so we were able to pick him up quickly. The community center was a nearly forty minute drive due to traffic.

"I'm gonna stay in the area. Just text me when you're done."

"I will. Thanks Wes."

He didn't respond just drove off

"Happy birthday Bellamy!"

"Why weren't you at school today?"

"I had a stupid dentist appointment. They say I need braces. It's enough I wear glasses. When will the torture end!" My dramatic friend complained

"Bellamy! You're here!" Mr. Swartz cheered

"My brother dropped me off. This is Robbie. He goes to the academy too. He also thinks he's gay." I introduced

"Well welcome Robbie. I'm Mr. Swartz. If you ever need to talk you can come to my office at school."

"Thanks. So what do we do here?"

"Right now everyone is helping themselves to snacks. Then we'll sit in a circle and one by one introduce ourselves and talk about our week. We'll do an activity and end with a discussion about it. From there everyone will mingle and chat."


"Go get some snacks before they run out."

We nodded and raced to the snack table. I ended up running into someone who I quickly apologized to.

"What are you doing here?" I asked the kid who's seat I stole on the first day

"I came out as bi to my grandmother and she started sending me here."

"Oh that's really cool if her." I complimented

"Thanks, why are you two here?"

"I like boys and she wants to be a boy."

"You're trans. That's why you told me Thanks that day."


"Speaking of, I'm really sorry about that day. Our classmates always take my seat to mess with me so I thought you were one of them."

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