Chapter 19

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Benjamin's POV

I'm in my hotel room freaking out. I can't believe I'm actually going on a date with him. I also can't believe he kissed me. After all the back and forth he's finally being honest about his emotions.

Part of me was nervous he'd revert back to his old avoidant self. When it came to Alessio there was no guarantee he'd follow through with any romantic feelings towards me.

I'm on the phone with Robbie as I get ready

"Bennie I love you but this is Alessio we're talking about. He's only consistent about his alleged heterosexuality. What if he gets cold feet like he always does and stands you up?"

"Then I'll enjoy a celebratory dinner by myself. You know I don't care to eat out alone in nice restaurants." I shrugged

"That's not the point and you know it. You like very hard. I don't think you should put your heart on the line for Alessio of all people."

"I know I'm risking my emotional stability for the next few weeks by doing this but if there's even the smallest chance he's being serious about exploring his sexuality I want to be there to support him. Alessio was also vulnerable with me so I don't want to risk hurting him by bailing in fear that he might not show up. I can't image what my transition would've been like if you and dad bailed on me after I confided in you two. Thank you for always considering my best interests but right now I need some encouragement." I told him honestly

"Sorry, I was putting my opinions over your feelings. Let's get you out of that towel and into some date night clothes." he perked up after apologizing

"I'm thinking... this white button down tucked into these black pants. I roll my sleeves and leave some buttons down. I also have this belt you got me for Christmas and these shoes."

"It's giving top energy."

"I disagree I think I'm giving power bottom." I said I got dressed

"Your ass looks good in those." He hollered

"Thanks." I gave a little shake

"Make sure your room is clean in case you wanna bring him back."

"Good thinking."

Just as I finished organized my messy hotel room I got a text from Alessio. He told me he was waiting in front of the hotel to drive us to dinner.

"Well he showed. I'll call you after to fill you in. Love you!"

"Love you too and stay safe. If anything happens your dad will save you."

With that we hung up and I grabbed a light jacket just in case. I made sure I had my wallet, phone, and room key before running out.

When I reached the pickup area at the hotel I found him standing in front of his car. I walked over a greeted him


"Hey, you look good." He stared at my chest

"The boobs are gone there's nothing to stare it." I joked and he apologized

He opened my door for me to get in.

"You're such a gentleman."

"I try." He smiled

He walked around and sat in the driver seat

After a little bit of driving I asked him a question

"So where are we headed?"

"I know how much you love meat so I got us a reservation at a steakhouse."

"Dude the steakhouses in this area are four dollar sign expensive on Google."

"Don't worry about the price." He waved off my concern

"You shouldn't say such a dangerous thing so casually. I'll leave a dent in your pocket."

We both laughed and continued talking about random things until we arrived at the steakhouse. He handed his keys to valet and we went inside to our table.

"Have you been here before?" He asked

"Yeah, my dad would take me here whenever I competed in the area."

"You two sound really close."

"I've always been a daddy's boy. Me and my mom don't get along much. I try to get along with my mom for my dad's sanity but it never lasts very long."

"Did he react positively when you came out?"

"Yeah, I told him mid breakdown and he was a trooper about it. He got me on puberty blockers without telling my mom so I could stay androgynous."

"That's really awesome of him." He commented

"Isn't it. It's important to have a stable support system. Do you think your siblings will be supportive of you not being totally straight?" I asked

"I told Vincenzo and his husband I was into you and they were great."

"Are you on better terms with your siblings now?"

"As good as it's gonna be for now. Oscar has always been someone I could go to."

"Your face brightens up when you talk about him." I pointed out

"He's the one who made Vinnie back off. He used to be so overbearing before Oscar came into the picture."

The server came to take our order effectively ending our conversation. We bounced around different topics until the food came.

After dinner

"Can we continue hanging out?" He asked me

"Sure, where do you wanna go?"

"Do you want to hangout at the hotel? If you're comfortable you can hangout in mine." He offered shyly


We then got in his car and he began driving in the direction of what I assumed was his hotel

"I met your younger brother. You two look so alike."

"Yeah all three of us look the same."

"Are you close with your brothers?"

"Rory, yes. He was my first child. I love him with my entire being. Weston on the other hand was the bane of my existence. We get along better now but growing up we were constantly at each other's throats. He is the apple of my mom's eyes while Rory and I were accidents."

"Damn Really?"

"Yeah two accidents nine years apart. She wanted dad to get the snip after Weston was born but he didn't want to go through with the surgery. He told her to get her tubes tied if she truly didn't want kids but my mom didn't want the scar. Ironically enough she ended up with one since Rory was a c-section baby." I laughed

"Life is a bitch."

"So is my mother." I said to myself

At the hotel

"When did you know you were trans?"

"There wasn't I time I did dream of being a boy. I guess I knew the second I learned what being trans was."

"Can I ask something more personal?" He asked

"Sure. But you've been asking personal questions." I joked and sat on the hotel bed

"What was your childhood like growing up trans? You don't have to answer of course but I want to know more about the father of my child." He admitted with red cheeks

"You've opened up to me about a lot of deep things. I can do the same so buckle up this is gonna be a long story but I'll try to keep it short."


Favorite moment from this chapter?


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Mwah 🥩

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