Chapter 3

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Alessio's POV

I'm finally meeting my daughter today! I'm so excited I wanna puke. I just hope she likes me. I'm certain I'll get brownie points for taking her to Disney.

It's 7:30 am so I grab my keys and phone then head to my car. Over the week I traded my sedan in for a SUV. I also bought a car seat for Evelyn. I realized I didn't have my wallet so I ran inside to grab it then came down. I put in the address Benjamin gave me and proceed down to the route.

At Benjamin's Apartment

I'm currently parked outside and waiting for them to come down. I see the door of the complex open. Benjamin emerges with a cute little girl holding his hand. I got out the car to say hi to her.

"Evelyn say hi." Benjamin told her

She waved and hid behind Benjamin's leg

"Eve this is Alessio, your dad he found his way back like I told you."

"Daddy number two?" She asked Benjamin and he nodded

She smiled at me and came over to me

I picked her up and relished the first hug I get to give my daughter

"Do you know what we're doing today?" I asked her

She shook her head with a pout

"I told her it's a surprise and she hates surprises." Benjamin explains

"Surprises are fun."

"No surprises." She could pronounce her r's yet

"Aww she's too cute!"

"Don't cave cause then she'll think she can get over you."

"She can get over me!" I gushed and hugged

"We should get going so we have enough time to enjoy the park."

She started moving her hands so I looked at Benjamin

"Baby he doesn't understand sign so you gotta try and use your words." He tells he softly

"I love the park!" She translated

"Well let's get you buckled in for a fun day at the park." I told her

Benjamin went to buckle her up

"No! Otter daddy!" she pointed at me

"Little brat." he tickled her stomach and sat in the front

Once I buckled her in, I went to the driver side and started taking us to Disney

Near Disney

We're about 5 minutes from the park and we can already see the attractions. Lyn fell asleep 10 minutes into the car ride so Benjamin and I have been chatting

I parked and Benjamin got Lyn. She was still sound asleep as we walked towards the gate.

"Should I wake her?" he asked

"Let's wait until we make it to the fountain."

We walked in after scanning our passes then Benjamin started waking her up

"Evie It's time to wake up." he whispered and gently shook her

She picked her head up and rubbed her eyes. She soon realized where we were and let out a high pitched scream

"Tank You!" she hugged Benjamin

It's cute that she can't make a "Th" sound

"I didn't do anything, thank Alessio."

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