Chapter 26

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Benjamin's POV

Mom moved out last week. I found out from grandma that she was institutionalized at a luxury inpatient facility. She's getting help for her trauma and mental health issues. It's honestly bullshit that she gets to live in a multi million dollar mansion in the mountains while I'm still being treated like I ruined the family.

"I spoke to your mother today. She's adjusting better but still needs support. Maybe give her a call when you get a chance."

"I don't know dad. I wouldn't wanna interrupt her evening spa treatments or her white water rafting retreat."

"I know your mother wasn't the best but she's doing this for you."

"Dad you sent the woman who tormented me my entire life to a rich kids sleep away camp and are somehow expecting sympathy? This is an even bigger betrayal than you forgetting my thirteenth birthday. You haven't even once asked me how I feel or tried to apologize sincerely. You used to be my best friend but now you don't even care about me. What did I do for you to treat me like this? It honestly doesn't even feel like mom left with the way you've been treating me."

"Does breakfast really have to be this dramatic? We already know he's a shit dad why are you still begging for his attention? Seriously Bell you're acting pathetic." Weston spat before leaving

Ever since mom left he's been really mean to me. He calls her everyday and checks in on her. He blames me which makes me sad. I thought after seeing how badly she hurt me on my birthday he'd side with me but nothing has changed.

"Pathetic is how far up mom's ass your head is!" I followed him upstairs

"You're fucking brainwashed."

"I could say the same about you! You're upset mom isn't abusing me anymore!"

"Bell I'm upset because I don't think she deserved to be sent away. I don't think mom and dad should stay married and I firmly believe she needs intensive therapy but I don't think it's fair that she's locked away in a facility miles away from us. Mom can't leave that place until dad or her parents let her leave. Three people who arguably don't have her best interests at heart. I've been watching their marriage deteriorate as long as I can remember. Before you came along dad was absent and emotionally unavailable. He left mom alone for all four of her pregnancies."

"There's only three of us."

"My had a miscarriage before you and dad left her all alone to deal with it. He only spent time with mom when she would sleep with him. She never got the chance to recover from the trauma of losing Paulina. You were born exactly eleven months after the miscarriage. Again dad left mom alone despite mom telling him she wanted to die and that she was scared she might hurt you. He just yelled at her but still left. Mom used to make me lock myself with you in the nursery at night because she didn't want to hurt you. I'm not excusing her behavior because frankly it's inexcusable but I am asking you to give her some grace. Dad allowed her to hurt you but you were able to forgive him so why can't you do the same for mom?"

"If she was so scared why didn't she get help?"

"She was too embarrassed. Dad runs a massive gang and she didn't want to make him look bad by being crazy. She just wanted someone to be there for her and tell her she was going to be okay."

"Why did she have Rory then?"

"After you were born dad made more of an effort to be home. She thought that she could right all her wrongs from you with Rory but then dad left again and she spiraled. Dad is a shit husband and a shit father to me but I've seen him change. It took a lot of patience from mom and I but he's done better. Now it's mom's turn to be supported. She just needs you to show her grace."

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