Chapter 18

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Alessio's POV

I'm on the family's private jet with all the wives, my siblings and the kids. They all wanted to surprise Benjamin. The kids were the most excited to watch him jump. The quads especially wanted to meet the horse Tori has been telling them about.

"There no way a horse is that big Tori. Stop being dramatic."

"Any horse would be massive to someone as short as her." Roman teased her

Xander who was playing cards in the front snapped his fingers getting Roman's attention before beckoning him with one finger. Roman tried pleading that he was "just joking" but Xander wasn't having it especially after Tori started crying

"Shut up you cry baby." Louise told her

"She's three Louise. You can come up here too." Tyler told her

"But daddy."

"Volkovs don't whine." AJ told her

I could see Roman frown as Xander whispered in his ear. Roman came back to apologize and hug a sad Tori. Then he silently sat in the seat next to his mom.

"Evelyn are you excited to see your dad?" She nodded profusely at Haruhi's question

"I want to see daddy jump."

At The Event

We just arrived to the show and the kids are losing their minds over all the pretty horses.

"Dad I want to pet one." Roman told Xander which triggered a chorus of me too's

"We can't touch other people's things."


"Roman you're already skating on very thin ice. You can look but I better not find out you touched without permission or asked these busy people to touch their horses."

"Daddy!" Evelyn yelled and ran off

I chased after her but there were so many people that I lost her in the crowd. I almost went into a panic until I saw Benjamin holding her.

I pushed through the sea of people to greet him

"Surprise!" Evelyn yelled

"What brings the whole family here?" He asked

"We wanted to support you at your competition. It was Lessi's idea." AJ explained

"Thanks this is really sweet of all of you." He smiled

A tattooed man approached us and Evelyn squealed and jumped into his arms

"Introductions are in order. These are my parents and siblings. They live in Vegas which is where I'm originally from. Family this is Alessio and his family."

His dad sent me the coldest stare. I don't blame him. I've been pretty shitty to Benjamin.

"Hey Arthur!" Adriana greeted him

"Hi Adriana."

"Benjamin can we pet your horse when you're done?" Roman asked

"The first thing I tell you not to do is the first thing you do." Xander sucked his teeth

"Yeah I'll take you to the stables afterwards. My other horse is here too so you can meet her."


"Hey Benny the course has been posted."

"Finally!" He let out

"I took a picture for you."

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